Brazilian language independence when?????

Brazilian language independence when?????

Attached: ss.jpg (308x308, 104.45K)

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we already have it, you unironically speak brazilian

T. Consume brazilian youtubes, singers, soap operas, movies etc

A escrita é a mesma e com a globalização e a imigração em massa de brasileiros para Portugal eu duvido que as diferenças aumentem.


Never. Other than that I should advise you portugueses to quit eating your bacalhaus for a while and get yourselves your own version of the RAE - the current orthographicall (de)reform won't fight itself and us brazilians are too deep in the hole to do something about it.
>We've the University of Coimbra
How's that working out for you?

Se voce não é um 8+ acabou pra você


Percebi uma "mina". Acabou mesmo.

A mina ia literalmente chegar no chad sem nem ao menos e ele ja tava ganhando um boquete

Enquanto isso os sub5 não recebe nem um oi

For the sake of the argument, by RAE I mean the Real Academia Española, you know, the way spaniards have to assure their language never gets cucked by LA.
>B-but user!! Portugal is not a monarchy anymore! We can't do that!
Dá o vosso jeito, caralho. Vocês vão não-ironicamente acabar falando brasileiro.

Lol you will be speaking Brazilian in less than 100 years if your youth keep consuming our media.
Your middle aged women can keep watching our soap operas though

Brazilians are the ones making actual good use of Portuguese so yeah, I agree.

Attached: construção.jpg (733x733, 50.04K)

1. people don't change accents (we'll maybe adopt some loan words like we did bué from Angola), only demographic replacement by brazilians who speak with a brazilian accent will do that, brits who watch american media don't end up "speaking american"
2. this isn't something that an institution or regulator can stop
3. we're actually all going to speak Lisboeta here (in Portugal) (except maybe some rural areas)

t. live here and know how this country works

Attached: vbored.jpg (215x250, 6.11K)

>Making good use
>Tu vai
>Can't tell L and U apart
>Can't roll RRs anymore
>"A língua é viva, não existem erros apenas vivências diferentes"
You gotta be shitting on me.

tenha sexo com brasileiras

Sorry, I don't take opinions of self-hating cucks seriously.
Our version of the language is 1000x better.

>when you start listing your cope

I literally watched a shit ton of brazilian minecraft youtubers when I was a kid (as did a lot of people) and that didn't change my accent one bit, you have never been here

>let me tell you about your country

>manuel assistindo venom extreme e monark
Não pode ser real.

Acredita foda-se a quantidade de let's plays brasileiros de minecraft que vi quando era puto... era surreal tbqh

Quantos anos você tem, cara?


kkkkkkkkkkkkk, achei relatável anão... eu adorava o feromonas quando assistia lets play do venom, acabei virando mais fã dele do que do próprio venom :)

pretty much all false. Only kids watch some huehue tubers

Venom Extreme,Monark e Feromonas era raiz

Eu via os dois

>Sorry, I don't take opinions of self-hating cucks seriously.
Rather the opposite but you aren't ready for this conversation yet.
>Our version of the language is 1000x better.
See? There's no such thing as "our version", other than inside the head of schizo nationalists such as you. How do I know that? Because less than 20 years ago all lusophones of the world were observing the exact same set of grammatical rules; then one day a bunch of bureaucrats along with a handful of politicians decide that - the best solution for Brazil's levels of illiteracy is to dumb down the language - and they call it a day.

>implying middle aged women don't watch br soap operas on tvi
get a grip of reality retard