Unleashes Hell by introduces Nationalism to Turks

>Unleashes Hell by introduces Nationalism to Turks

What was this Nigga thinking?

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He was the avatar of Tengri trying to retvrn them to being gods of the Steppe

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fuck off

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>turns cringe Islamists into cringe steppe larpers

At least they don't blow themselves up all the time, i guess.

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You are sexy



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He's the only good leader that turks ever had, and unironically one of the greatest statesmen of all time

You know he's based when araps think he's the spawn of satan

Turkish nationalism was already a thing in the ottoman empire at that time
Plus his ottoman seniors like Enver Pasha with turkic nationalism, but they failed due tothem being heavily incompetent while atatürk actually did his homework during the previous wars where he came out with actual experience

he didn't unleash nationalism. he tried to contain and stop schizo pan turkic islamist nationalism by promoting secular anatolian turkish nationalism.

before him the ottoman government was controlled by schizo pan turkic nationalists(who were Balkanoid albanian/bulgarians with major identity problems) who wanted to fight to create greater turkestan.

Arabs do care about him. Arabs live in the heads of turkoids rent free

>Arabs live in the heads of turkoids rent free
More like the opposite you dirty DiaspoRAT

he's kinda based though

what he did in fews years is amazing, he's like stalin but better

Closer to lenin but less autistic

Just watch this video by this seething arap islamist LMAOOOO


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.أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ السَّمَاء وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ أتاتوركانَ لِوَاء السَّمَاء وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ القوات المسلحة التركية جَيْشالسَّمَاء

Atta Turk!

>tfw you'll never be a turkish nationalist mafia boss killing Communists



not in our heads, in our country (rent free)

>stabs pope for no reason at all

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Enver Pasha was islamist not nationalist.

>“I will never forget the pleasant moments I had in Bulgaria. I have been and will always be a friend of the Bulgarian nation. I love these people since my early childhood. In Thessaloniki, I was always in touch with Bulgarians. Every misfortune in Bulgaria causes a huge pain in me. I have always done my best to help Bulgaria. Turkey and Bulgaria must be friends. The Bulgarian enemies are also Turkish enemies”.

turkbros... this is what they took from us

allahına sıçarım


elin gavuru bile papalık makamının ne kadar mafyatik şeytani masonik olduğunu anladı. ağça haklıydı.

Safeguarding his culture from imperialist whitoids