These languages sound like a troglodyte version of english

These languages sound like a troglodyte version of english

Attached: Nordic-Language-map.png (558x790, 422.16K)

ik ook hooopefully neederdad dooes noot sooound liek daat et ool

Who is this hitler dood?

Attached: 1F1E1CD9-8036-4DE0-BD44-338022924C6D.jpg (1640x1491, 1.5M)

no it doesn't
That's more cartoony

nee vreend yoo zein poosting in nidooordooutch

That is because it is.

Finnish has nothing to do with those meme tier languages in that map.

Italian sounds like a gay version of Spanish

You're right, my bad
I mean only the germanic ones

I like to listen to Norwegian, it sounds very pleasant and aurally satisfying.

Attached: 1357334197265.jpg (420x300, 13.32K)

Nah that's more Dutch and Afrikaans.
Hearing the latter without expecting it feels like having a stroke. Like it has the right rhythm that you should be able to understand it, but when you focus on the actual words it's just gibberish

I thought nynorsk and bokmal were just different ways of writing Norwegian and that it was all one spoken language with every region having it's own dialect
am I wrong??

Attached: Confused-looking anime girl with question marks above her head.jpg (385x367, 14.75K)

well, at least i'm white, unlike you MEDS!

Attached: sapo triste.jpg (440x402, 38.97K)

>am I wrong??
No. Each region have their own dialect, bergen being the worst of them.

being white is so passe. sprinkle some flakes of Romanians, add a diced Pole, pan fry a breaded Somalian and WA LA- that's some spicy society

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kato äijä on oikees
iha vitu jepa
truth be told Finnish probably sounds even worse to non-Finnish speakers than any of the non-German Germanic languages do

Yeah this, it's kinda funny because they will teach foreigners oure bokmål and teach them nothing about dialects and then send them here where they can barely understand us.

swears in finnish are great

can't read finnish without imagining someone screaming the words in mildly annoyed, weird manner

why are you white?