
Liz Truss edition

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Having a listen


pee pee poo poo

Mad how her husband is a literal cuckold haha

I heard Liz embarrassed herself while negotiating with Russia. Apparently she wasn't smart enough to understand Russia's point of view because it didn't align with the western media's narrative

no wonder mihai is so bent he has a collection of brainwashing soft drinks

because im shagging her? yeah haha crazy

any bilingual man in? (anglos only)

because pakis are seething?

ye, bonjour

FUCK london edition

I speak Englush and bad English

imagine sending a woman to negotiate geo-political tribal matters that she can't even conceive of

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Gets mogged by the Russian

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hola amigo

literally only a matter of time

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starting a chicken flock in about a week but worried ill have to get a rooster since there are hawks that fly about


i'm half anglo if that counts

everyones entitled to their own opinion
thanks to the english

it's not a racial point. it's cultural. modern westerners have an unhealthy conflicted relationship to animals held by neither foreigners or earlier western societies . for them animals are utilitarian. creatures to managed, maintained controlled like the trees and bushes. that doesn't mean intentional cruelty. it still has respect . but modern sensibilities go beyond. as we made animals into pets they're caricatured and coddled as stupid works of art in our living rooms. that's a ridiculous vanity and enslavement. it shows more disrespect for them than just a simple disregard held by previous generations

It's happening again

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Would be crazy if this actually led to war

Is Liz an Anglo-Norman, Celto-Germanic or Native Briton?