State any opinion as an Indigenous person online

>state any opinion as an Indigenous person online
>some chicano colonized from any Indigenous knowledge and identity starts sperging
I can legit have great conversations with whites about culture and historical relations even stuff that can make white people uncomfy like displacement and colonialism, but as soon as a spic comes around they suddenly start throwing maracas and accusing us of being anti-white. Why are spics so insecure about Indigenaity? Look at what they’re doing in Chile and the Amazon to Indigenous people. I prefer the American white over Canuk Wh*tes and self hating Chicanos.

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Latin culture has a different dynamic with their natives probably maybe.

By this I meant we talk about my culture and other Indigenous cultures.

>yeah we're those people who had a huge island to ourselves for 50,000 years and did fuck all with it

I've experienced whites are really shy about the subject irl, maybe they just vent out online and are more comfortable

Of course, can't help but want to ruin a great place with billboards, ads and asfalt everywhere

you are not n8v

chicanxs be like
>hello my name is derek hernandez

ok faggot you love yts they're so smartie and pink but le brownoids are not we can all see now fuck off back to the reservation please

Btw chicanxs have different opinions on natives because the natives from their parents country are a social burden that we must carry because "le diversity", while northamerican governments were used to put natives in their place so they didnt bother the rest of the population with their nonsense

I tend to try my best to interact with academic whites so the problem of them getting “white guilt” when discussing culture and colonialism is almost non-existent. Whites who get weird about it typically are conservative and less educated, much like the type of Latino I am talking about. I think self hating brownies and conservitards genuinely just are unexperienced and stopped education at the public high school level.

Because that how the Spanish pyramid works. Prove you're closer to Spain and you get the perks.

Not you pulling the ”ur nod nadive >:(“ card
At least some whites are allies and fight with us, when you see who’s backing actual racists and the police brutalizing us along with conservative whites it’s conservative Latinos. Not only that but they’ll come to our reserves and start trafficking and crime there, then call us drunks and violent. Y’all make up more than half the crime pinned on Natives.

Wtf are you even talking about? Where does this happen?


Literally everywhere, it happens outside of technology land but to name a few sites this has happened on it here (a lot here), Instagram, tumblr, tiktok, Facebook pretty often, it’s constant.

Since when do latin american mestizos give a fuck about injuns in the US and Canada?

>a lot here
Find me a post ive never seen it. I assume pol because they're retarded.

Why are you implying that I’m specifically saying US/Canada as if Indigenous people in the Latin Americas don’t exist, also, this happens literally all the time to Canada and US Indigenous people from Latinos.
Most recent is probably not hard to find if you just browse a bit

I'm still not following at all because you posted a raccoon getting snuffed and i only ever see the opposite of what you describe from chicanos. A lot of mex and argie flags are the ones that generally hate indios.

Ok but you are indigenous of Asia. Just take a mirror. 15.000 years ago, Mongolia was your home

The land theory has been disproven multiple times, fuck off

We are all indigenous to africa because africa was our homeland 60,000 years agi.