When the war with Russia finally starts, should NATO also just go ahead and retake Kaliningrad?

When the war with Russia finally starts, should NATO also just go ahead and retake Kaliningrad?

What country should the land be given too? Poland? Lithuania?

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yeah, you go first in the assault

Of course, you’re to busy buying Russian gas.


> What country should the land be given too? Poland? Lithuania?

Germany pls.

>should NATO also just go ahead and retake Kaliningrad?
Sleepy Joe will express his grave concerns and slap some sanctions on a few oligarchs.

But there's also transnistria, moldova, abkhazia, estonia to take care of

Either Poland or an EU district.
Lithuania can't manage to annex a region with so many Russians.


>with so many Russians.
With who? Whomst? But yes, Lithuania can't manage so many Russians away.

None. We keep it. USA is European now.

The 51st US State

>What country should the land be given too? Poland?
We don't want that shithole, Belarus either
Take it away

Poland. They dont fuck around and will bury the scum. Haha hahaha

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it's no different from eastern polen

>What country should the land be given too?
The future foothold of grão brasil in Europe

It will go to us, eastern prussia was always german.

Nie. Tegu tave lesser animals zudikas alia other. Tave vakarin valia silpnumi tave rytinis vel ir savimi mes akcij kia russian tolus rytinis oil. Mes gal kots china. Zhol kash our visuom, tegu their berniuk freeze starve while tave adults darytis cannibals. Kraujas alone turns tave gears iv history

Always doesn't even extend back to mid-Medieval?
>actually believing memes about Russia willingly giving K back to Germany


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>implying Russia will lose territory
They'll annex the balkans, Finland, Poland and Sweden.

since the height of the cold war, fat

It was offered to Germany a while ago. They said "no thanks".

thats a myth

Even during the time of the plc eastern prussia was always ruled by german vassals and had a majority german population, unlike western prussia.

Russia should expand westwards

Uh, excuse me? I watched this video so I'm basically an expert.

Original Prussians were Balts, mr morbid skinwalker

russia should just take poland and ukraine

yeah and we got rid of them for your kings so you could settle there
they are gone and irrelevant now

Original balts were forest goblins who didn't do anything of note mister potatohead

original westpoland were goths

Please colonize it with bunda

Gibe it to us