Why do white Americans constantly deny any involvement in the slave trade and blame other ethnic groups for their past...

Why do white Americans constantly deny any involvement in the slave trade and blame other ethnic groups for their past actions?

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I'm an Ellis islander, can't blame me

should have fought harder man

Come one you'd buy a black guy too if he was being sold for literal seashells.

when I move to america and I tell people that I'm from hungary, will they think that I'm an evil coloniser or a victim POC?

Family was poor farmers if anything they suffered from the institution of slavery as well

Every white American on Any Forums blames Jews for slavery...

They'll ask "what do you want to eat?"

I’m 1/4 Irish 1/4 Ukrainian 1/4 white Puerto Rican and 1/4 white Samoan. I’m 100% white but my ancestors had no involvement with the slave trade. So it’s not really my problem and I can’t be blamed for it

I'm referring to this

Black nationalists think the same thing

Learn to fucking communicate holy shit.

I'm not talking about black nationalists, I'm talking about you people

'cause we weren't involved, it was outlawed before the lightbulb was invented. if you're asking me if i feel shame, then no. and it has nothing to do with my personal opinion on blacks, i just don't feel any shame, my body isn't telling me anything there.

Why are you assuming my race? You think only white Americans browse this board? Fucking leaf

Why do you think I was addressing white Americans? It was because I wanted an answer from white Americans, not whatever you are.

You don't really want to know anything.

I'm half white niccah, now go back to >>Any Forums faggot

Please redpill me on how 'da jooz' forced you to enslave blacks

"People" like OP unironically think the ebul white man went to Africa with giant cartoon nets to catch gollywogs on the savannah.
Fucking tard, who do you think sold them slaves? Blacks did. Tribes who for centuries had practiced slavery, INVENTED IT in fact, were more than happy to sell their neighbours as slaves in exchange for guns to more effectively enslave even more of their neighbours.

This fact is always conveniently ignored when it's time to cast blame for MUH SLAVERY.

Retard, did you even read the rest of the thread

Why the fuck would I?
It was made by a fucking LEAF.