Lets make this clear

are they arab or not?

Attached: main-qimg-c9cd5b43143436d5a7c8fcd2213f40b8-lq.jpg (250x275, 20.8K)

Israel isn't the rest are

We will never agree

If they speak arabic they're arabs.
>but muh ethnicity
doesn't matter slavs are mutts too and they're still slavs.

are you sure about that?

Attached: nassim.jpg (1000x750, 28.93K)

If you're brown, you're Arab. Simple as. I'm Afghan but I just tell people I'm Arab because it's simpler.

There’s 2 million Arabs living in Israel,
and 45% of their population is made up of Mizrahi’s (mixed Arabs)

Wait so we're Anglo now?

Yes (except Lebanon you imbecile)

what's the difference between lebanon and syria
rook same???

You are white
You are brown
You are black

Same shit.

Food is Lebanon is East Med not "Arab"
Traditional dress in Lebanon is East Med/Balkan not "Arab"
Music in Lebanon is East Med not "Arab"
Genetics in Leb are East Med not "Arab"
Language in Leb is NOT mutually understandable w/Class "Arabic"

>Genetics in Leb are East Med not "Arab"
then so do syrians and palis

Attached: leb.png (343x463, 58.77K)

The Lebanese were Phoenicians who belonged to Europe - until the Arab invasion of 634 AD



Jews are Arab

Arabs east of Egypt are all ethnic Semites
Phoenicians were Arabs

Afghans are peak Aryan
You're not Arab if your kind is from north or east of the Zagros mountains
