
are kat edition

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London flat for only 50k

Post wrist, chang

lads why are brits so poor

every day british news are about people who can't afford their rent or their electricity bills or a 49p bag of rice

are there no middle class people in britain?

I am thinking about a weekend doing a pub crawl in Ireland. What cities are the best for destroying Celtic slit as an Arab boy? Belfast or Dublin? ///

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chill the fuck out 'oid
seething wont make your ancestors less cucked

Size of that phone

just ordered a papa johns pizza

it will hit 100k

most people are just shit with money

big fan of mikey his wily pikey ways

Why does nobody moan about the price of flats in Barrow-in-Furness?

hey 'oid


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why are you watching our news every day if you're in denmark

spent it all on gambling and cocaine dint i. jeez

superior police gf

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tranquilo tranquilo por favour

mum just farted lmao
she went all red when i laughed at her

i'm british

wasn’t worth posting the first time

Give me some whitepills

mad how

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because they are fucking lying

fucking royalty-free chimes and bells in every fucking video

>open peru lads thread
>look at arse
>leave without posting

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Is loose leaf tea a meme?

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what's with the obsession with this one police woman

I really need an answer on this.

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lying about how poor they are?

I noticed you around
I find you very attractive
would you go to bed with me?

China mogs the West so hard it's not even funny

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i don't know why you'd bother when they invented tea bags decades ago

suspect it’s the resident virgins mate
just ignore them

reckon belfast huns would batter an arab

She cute!

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What's wrong with VSC and Fallout New Vegas?

yeah, no one in this country cant not buy a bag of rice or afford rent because for those people rents free and they get money for nothing

obviously they are lying

yay or nay?

fuck off 190


trannards like it

because of a robot arm that can handle a fry basket that no fast food joint in the world actually uses?

If their little fists can reach my chest, I'll be in a lot of trouble.

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Yes that was my thinking too. My mum used to drink loose leaf tea... 45 years ago.

>we have 500 billion people living in our country, let's figure out ways to take jobs away from them
150 IQ move.

*watching security footage of a lad looking around suspiciously then scratching his arsehole*

I can't believe I ate the whole thing

why do they live in misery?

if you were around in the 60s do you think u would be a beatles stan or a rolling stones stan?

I'm not a trannard and I like them.

mind if I sniff?

I think it's because of COVID and the Olympics. They want to eliminate the most human contacts possible.

me looking at the bare bones of an adult chicken

because they watch the tv and read the news and live in a state of self pity
you could give them all the money in the world and they will find something to cry about, no ones stopping them from getting a job or improving their live
what do they want? the government to fucking do eveything for them ?


remember once my aunt was begging the water company to not charge her as she had kids and had to feed them, and the operator on the call asked if that was Sky TV that was playing in the background. She said it was and then he said if she can afford Sky she can afford to pay the water



didn't happen

I'm not 190

that operator's name? adam smith, inventor or capitalism

Big shoutout to my homie who just subscribed Nick Gurrr....

three large fries
20 chicken nuggets with tomato ketchup dips
bacon double cheeseburger
chicken legend
galaxy chocolate mcflurry
and a large coke please

rolling stones are way better

Recall the time I shagged an ugly, fat Japanese hooker for 200€ because I was horny and she cut it off halfway through and made me leave. I could spend that same amount and spend a weekend in Dublin drowning in Celtic dames. Truly horrid stuff to recall those piss poor financial decisions of mine.


pizza and chips and potato wedges for tea (in bed)
gonna put on the oven in circa 30 mins

why did she make you leave


SEX sex with IRISH slags

200 euros for a fat ugly chink? you got robbed. its 100-120 for pretty standard women here, or so i heard from a friend of mine..


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>NUCLEAR SHOCK: No 10 scrambles Trident NUCLEAR SUBMARINES as PUTIN issues STARK NUCLEAR warning over presence of NATO troops in Ukraine
err lads... theres going to be a fucking nuclear war tonight


I brought a bottle of wine and started kissing the dumb cunt's neck and my willard hurt her by slipping out. Then she gave me a pity massage and told me to gtfo. Spent the rest of the evening harassing women in 'sterdam.

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Not happy about having to verbally say my opinions on a video so that youtube will register them and adjust the algorithm


you sound like a delightful person

Do you have a source for that?

It's funny how sensitive prices are.

Like you'll see something that's £35 and you're like, "ehhh if it was £30 I'd buy".

But you won't buy at £35, full stop. It's too much. It's not too much by a lot, but it's still too much.

You know what I mean? Like a lot of the stuff I see if they just cut the prices a bit more I'd buy. But until then I'm not buyin

bizarre post

Would love to suck her cock

cant imagine how much of a runt you'd have to be to get rejected by a prostitute you paid for

it's because you're poor

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oooh yeah fish and chippies ooh yeah ooo ye ooh

your a bizarre post, cunt

arrest all women and send them to my bed

rasheed having a moment of introspection in his prius after dropping off his passenger and asking himself whether it was worth it leaving pakistan

gonna show the American gf Dunkirk and 1917

boozeberg is calling me but i shall not give into temptation

cruel and unusual punishment

arrest all femboys and send them to my bed

Be sure to mention the forced diversity in 1917

theres a press release on gov.uk

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do you reckon you'll ever have the bollocks to come out as a full blown nonce?

put on paths of glory you puff

Delivery guy asked my date of birth. I said 1988, but he put in 1998. But it still checked out.

Not sure I like the future

watch this if you want to be sure of going to heaven /brit/, it's very easy to be saved from hell and get to heaven.

Any island boys in

aha alri, oxford? xx

the setup

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he insulted you there mate


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you must look young, take it as a compliment