Black brazilian goes to South Africa, gets told he's "not black" but "colored"

Black brazilian goes to South Africa, gets told he's "not black" but "colored"

Attached: cc819b2c82bc6b3a583d7a79c932929d.webm (576x1024, 2.82M)

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Well, he is clearly not african black, he must be like 50% white at least.

Attached: 1634852365488.png (236x224, 111.2K)

he's not dark though

Nigga looks like he's 40% African at most lol
Our blacks are AUTHENTIC

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 68.91K)

He is soyboy race

Should be a lesson for every monkey in this country. You arent white or black. Youre a mutt.

He's got a really nice voice. Mass brazilian exodus to Portugal when?!

There are no true blacks in Brapzil.
Our Portuguese forefathers made sure of that.

Attached: combustível para suicídio.jpg (1920x1080, 420.89K)

There are a few

Attached: 1634600817791.jpg (800x712, 100.46K)

And also

never fails to make me lose it

Attached: 1631655697071.jpg (228x221, 9.97K)

These guys are speaking portuguese from Portugal


Many people like him here view themselves as black THOUGH. Pic related refered to himself as black brazilian

Attached: black brazilian.jpg (1500x2000, 422.14K)

this nigger whiter than obama

this is why racial nationalism can only work in the new world

You don't nedd to be fully SSA to be "true black". And even them there are some (very) few fully african people in Brazil, Milton Nascimento is an exemple.

He denies to be pardo

Attached: My results are out. I’m from Brazil, basically a mixed salad. 23andme.png (741x147, 20.77K)

>brainlets still think skin color = DNA

Attached: african 23andme youtube.png (1600x760, 945.4K)

I'm blacker than him and I'm only 25% West African

the basedness of these comments is out of communication

>haplo Q M3
>mito L3

still 27% Euro ancestry

Based safris. This cracka aint BLACK.

Attached: 1598176459194.jpg (1600x1329, 516.21K)

see and maybe your brainletism can be cured

el goblino

My skin is brown and my nose is big. I have afro curly hair
Guess Anglo genes weren't strong enough

why are the children bald

yeah he's definitely colored here