Why are Americans so scared of trains?

Why are Americans so scared of trains?

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"amtrak sucks"

Because trains are communism even if private companies build them. Highways are freedom and we should all tear thousands of single family homes to build more of them using tax money.


What good is a train gonna do when I am still gonna need a car when I get to my destination?

Tbh I don't understand this mindset. Can a US citizen explain why they prefer pic related over a train line?

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Trains are so cool

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It's not practical

I live in the northeast and take trains all the time

Umm you take the bus from there maybe?

Thats cause you are a fucking moron and an asshole so we just insult you for fun and never explain it
Dutch and brazil brownies in here yet?

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The train station in my town of 19,000 people gets as many people in an average weekday as the entire commuter rail system for Austin (a city of almost 1 million) gets in an average day. There is a pretty big difference in the layout of different areas of the US

there's a private company working with hitachi to build a bullet train in texas but here an elevated urban light rail line costs as much to build as an aircraft carrier and is an insurmoumtable construction challenge
laat I heard they were being picketed by people who think two pearl harbors weren't enough

greatest state in he union

I idea of a farmer living in western no way nebraska getting in a little pro plane in his back yatd that cost 70,000$ to fly 170 mph to a city 300 miles away on per road but only 240 per air to get to a city is mind blowing.

Oh my god an airplane! Its like a dragon! Mythical beasts lol

>go to airport 3 hours early
>get trough security treated like a criminal
>only limited luggage allowed unless you pay extra
>illegal to take certain things with / have to declare them at the custom and pay extra
>get trough security treated like a criminal again when you arrive
>arrive few minutes early
>board train
>take whatever you want with you
They take like the same time in the end for medium distances but train is more comfy desu.

Public transportation is an issue for big cities
But unless you live in a big city then having a car is much more convenient than using the train

because amtrak is shitty, especially considering prices they charge, and it is managed by district of colombia which itself is shitty and poorly managed—if managed at all. also system is rigged and biased towards car ownership. not my fault, not my problem.

>Public transportation is an issue for big cities
>But unless you live in a big city then having a car is much more convenient than using the train
So you basically admit that your town planning sucks?

They don't prefer it, and in fact many cities in the US had trams, trains, and other forms of public transit at the turn of the last century.

There are several factors:

buses are cheaper

local, state, and federal governments are so corrupt that auto and oil lobbyists can just brib- err, I mean, "donate" to conservative politicians who will ensure any legislation or funding for public transit is DOA or remains in development hell indefinitely until funding dries up.

geographically, the US is HUGE compared to most other countries, making the prospect of laying rail lines prohibitively costly in some places

Finally, and most importantly - America's culture of "fuck you, I got mine" along with the massive hate boner for the poor, and the answer is obvious - the rich oligarchs who choose our leaders need a third superyacht. Fuck everybody else.

we have excellent rail logistics. perhaps the best in the world. we just use it to haul shit instead of people.

get a car you lazy snob