Is the refugee crisis in Europe still a thing? The Euros stopped talking about it so I don't know what's happening

Is the refugee crisis in Europe still a thing? The Euros stopped talking about it so I don't know what's happening.

Webm probably related.

Attached: germany awakens.webm (720x404, 2.86M)

What kind of nonsensical shit is happening in the webm lol

Kinda. The influx has mostly stopped due to deals with border countries and frontex and other border guards. But the once already here are still causing issues


every 4th german newborn is turkish

krautnigger can't help but commit terrorism on a daily basis, it's in their genes

based shit, you wouldn't get it

Attached: 1630925132089.jpg (408x408, 30.93K)

every 'bad' german in history was actually austrian
but nobody gives a shit about austria or even notices it exists so they get away with it

Yeah we still have like idk 6 million algerians and 4 million subsaharans
"Refugee crisis" added 100 000 subsaharans to the count, wow big deal nonody cares, they live in camps in the middle of nowhere anyways it's quite irrelevant in fact

We have 1 million british refugees here.

France almost completely avoided the refugee crisis.

DEUTSCHLAND ERWACHE, that's what. Lmao.

I know the topic quite well, I live in Normandy, there's a village 30min from where I live that's called Ouistreham where they all gather
That's because we have the ferry to Portsmouth there where they try to smuggle and get into UK, they don't want to stay here (probably we have too many blacks already, no jobs and they don't care for 800€/month shit jobs)
Anyways it's always full of police trucks there, i go fishing there often and i have friendly chats with the policemen and the police guys told me "the fugees are tired they're getting old now" and it's true, they don't riot anymore, don't even have white people to bother anymore, they all have long beards and they sit down on the docks waiting
Like all day long they just sit down and do nothing and wait, those niggers look depressive as fuck
If i wasn't so racist i'd almost feel bad for them lol
Let me tell you i prefer them to the average nafri in caen or le havre

like 7 years ago they were lively, young, loud, aggressive, looked at us bad, threw shit at our cars
today they're like old people, completely apathetic, dead eyes, no reactions, they just do nothing and wait
it's weird ngl

How do they survive? Gibs?

Yeah gibes but like direct gibs from white people
Like every week you see organizations of old white leftists or old catholics, they come and give them a bunch of old bread and water and cheap lidl leftovers and they live by eating that for the most part

And they live in the same tents, they haven't moved an inch in years

>german guy
>gassing people
>oy vey
top fucking kek, I need sauce for that shit

every 3rd turkey newborn is a kurd

why not just pack them like sardines in containers and drop them in the maine?

Yes, the news just doesnt report it anymore

lol obviously no one has the balls or even feels like doing it i think
let's be honest the refugee camps are just giant hobo camps, there are some in big cities too, these guys have 150228 diseases, no teeth, no job, the richest ones are on crack, it's just pure misery on earth
and my feeling is that we will just see this proliferate all around europe, giant favelas of 3rd world hobos with nothing to do

i vote against immigration, mind you i have no love for black people or immigrants myself but even i have to recognize this whole situation is quite grim