
twitter edition

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remember when dave said he couldn't explain postmodernism in a Any Forums post because it is too complicated lmao

Early, janman won't like this


Might get a job

The fiancée

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Getting this evening's PJW

Tell me about a time that you "punched above your weight class", as they say

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Banking on this getting rejected from the board

*rings a little bell*

remember when leftbend from the south bend was typing on Any Forums like russias actually a super power and hasnt had a half a century long PR campaign running none stop from america

they big up their villans to get more money out of the 'oids in tax
very english thing to do

dont bother mate

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No running water for four fucking days because of relining being done, tell you i get real 18th century vibes having to empty a bucket of old water from under my sink in the garden twice a day

I told you not to ring that, put the bell down mate.


How is it possible to be so dumb that you talk over your translator as the translator is still translating your previous words?


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Im a religious atheist

Why are we going to war with Russia over Ukraine? We should beat small countries like Belgium and Mauritius first to regain match fitness

any nudes? x

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Mental how Liverpool have the two best fullbacks in the world and it actually isn't even close

i'd just go stay in a b&b for a week

Let's not get lost in Fantasy now

what does this mean

Thoughts, Leftypol?

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can i shag her

On this day in British History

>1306 – In front of the high altar of Greyfriars Church in Dumfries, Robert the Bruce murders John Comyn, sparking the revolution in the Wars of Scottish Independence.
>1355 – The St Scholastica Day riot breaks out in Oxford, England, leaving 63 scholars and perhaps 30 locals dead in two days.
>1567 – Lord Darnley, second husband of Mary, Queen of Scots, is found strangled following an explosion at the Kirk o' Field house in Edinburgh, Scotland, a suspected assassination.
>1763 – Seven Years War: The Treaty of Paris ends the war and France cedes Quebec to Great Britain.
>1840 – Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom marries Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
>1906 – HMS Dreadnought, the first of a revolutionary new breed of battleships, is christened.

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Reckon you might be psychic

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have noticed this trend in brit of people writing bizarre things such as "no i think christianity has crap morals and messages." and then refusing to respond when people query it.
are these people morons or shitposts? the euythro dilemma of the day: do they shit post because they are stupid or are they stupid because they shit post

Bit gay mate

it does have crap morals and messages

No mate she's all mine
>We did it Reddit xDD he's gay cos his gf is trans LMAOOOOOO

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pissing nora

Liz truss is to obsessed with PR to give a shit about politics

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just subscribed to an onlyfans of a girl i knew throughout highschool, she's minging but i had to know

does she have nudes?


>Enter Any Forums thread
>Speak my opinion about the topic at hand, with no regards to how it will be received
>Close thread because I'm uninterested in other's takes on my opinion

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Mad how ugly she is. Dim old menopausal slag

Me on the right

Read Brave New World a couple months ago and i dont know why its really stuck with me and i would actually really like to read it again.

Maybe its because I'm in the US now and I'm constantly reminded of it, i know the book was about Americanisation but its concerning just how real it seems

must baffle the japs why we all of a sudden decided to invite millions of ethnics over

blog on

t. literally shagging a tranny


yeah like mcdonalds in russia

Why don't homos just bum women instead to avoid going to hell

im gay for men

was getting all worked up about a phone call but the real interview isn't actually until next week

Love the metaverse

where's the evidence that gays go to hell?

fucking retard
id do it do if i could

yeah, pussy the lot

any arkham horror living card game professional players in?

Mad how when foreigners think of London and England in general now they think about rape gangs, knife killings, moped gangs, Shariah zones etc

Quite grim for Brits

Bit gullible aren't you lad lol

post em then

paul said so

May aswell post the pics lad, get your moneys worth in (you)s

haha silly goose, might as well have a drink

Prefer Timesplitters 2

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dont like chess aha

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Business idea
Smokable adrenachrome

bet they do that horrible bum sex together and their house stinks horrible poo bums

hahahahahahaha the absOLLUTE FUCKING STATE

left is classically attractive but looks uncanny in this male/female hyrbid

don't get what this means

future perfect was sovless

Business idea; put business out of business

While you're sitting next to a girl every time she moves her pussy is constantly squishing around with all the juices inside it making squelching noises.


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Used to love playing as the little monkey fella in Timesplitters



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German girls are so muscular
they'll do you in

>implying girls don't get up and move if I sit next to them

>rape gangs, knife killings, moped gangs, Shariah zones
wtf i love london now!!!

the 'f

When is the tranny gimmick going to fall off? It’s been a while now

>It’s been a while now
yeah like thousands of years

I just want to get publicly molested by a chav girl with broad shoulders

mad how when people think of ireland they think of big english men getting off boats and slaughting everyone then taking all the potatoes back to england but not before seeding every woman in the country

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Alri Jobe


BBC News - Cressida Dick to step down as Metropolitan Police chief

Diversity is a codeword for anti-white

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Hence why a 6 foot feminine tranny top gf is literally the goal

thank GOD im of ambigious ethnicity, sexuality and gender
im batting for all the teams and none at the same time
im here, im queer, or am i? you'll never know

fuck it
pretty rough, but i still wanked to it

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Not actually true though is it, whereas nowadays when people think of England they really DO think of brown hands pulling little girls inside taxis and violating them soooooo...


Leftypol won't like this fella


'we are proper hard midget inbred tough guys that have never lost a war'

'm..muh b..b..e vil ...evil engish p poor ireland'

so which is it? goes for scotland and wales as well they are no different

This result appears to bolster an argument made by two Harvard Medical School professors last month in the New York Times.4 Anupam Jena and Christopher Worsham wrote that vaccine mandates meet less resistance than a campaign of persuasion, because people are used to being simply required to do things they dislike, such as paying taxes, whereas voluntary campaigns demand that they revise strongly held views and admit that their previous position was wrong, a far harder proposition.