Cute japanese girl visits germany. Do you love Japan? I love Japan and Japanese

Cute japanese girl visits germany. Do you love Japan? I love Japan and Japanese.

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japanese women are goddesses

yeah they are angels

couldnt agree more

i hope to visit japan one day. the sooner the better

I too want to come japan

let's go together fren

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not a bad idea, but they are closed and we dont know each other

that can both change very quick

squid bug people

i will fuck your ass son

how fitting since you are already attracted to men just not on the final step to accept it

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i will bend you over and fuck your ass sissy boy

come and try and ill fuck you up

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you arsehole will be loose once i'm finished with you pal

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I don't understand moonrunes

Yes I love japan and japanese

Nice try, but Asian women are very fertile.

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