Do russians really live like this?

Do russians really live like this?

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That gas pipe is begging to be hit by a drunk driver

>pic taken in russia
>do russians really live like this
no shit

There should drug shop addresses written on the walls


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No one thinks like this.

How come you're incapable of water drainage systems when even Caribbean and rain forest banana monke's have figured it out?

Those graffiti arent written in Russian

Bottom pic is actually soul containing picture, its only land based route to Naryan Mar in summer, the capital on tundra reindeers land.

Because it costs money to fix shit up. Why would our politicians do that? They can steal the money instead

Look at the thread you retard

I could say the same thing about some random African road through some jungle, capital on savannah lions and cheetahs land

africa actually has useful land

A group of men that lives in those commie blocks could do it themselves over a weekend

When snow melts you gay drainage pipes won't work because the amount of snow that falls throughout the winter is pure RNG and making something that will legit work every time is too expensive to maintain and it's a waste of money into mere "looks". It's far easier to just ignore the mud for 2 months.

Why would they steal and hurt people instead of help people prosper? That's very inconsiderate.

Russia is like a hunger game. With Moscow being the capitol. The difference between Moscow and the rest is very shocking. Imagine some Russian peasant just came to the city for the first time. It's like coming to a different country.

You probably cant becouse you never traversed it and I actually hiked in Nenetsia several times. OWNED.

>american sperging out about something that has nothing to do with the thread

based muttoid golem

They don't have money to buy any materials retard

By your definitions of SOVL, Africa is the most SOVLFUL place on the planet and it's not even close.

pol does

They dont have money to do that and they are busy getting shitfaced
Ask those who steal from our budget and buy properties up in London or in Italy.

what is soul according to you then? when everything rolled into concrete and asphalt?

Do you think you are the only country with snow and snow melt like that? With that amount of mud it wouldn't be possible to wear your shoes in the house and that is unacceptable.

I'm just saying that if you think russia is sovl, then Africa must be sovl too.
My personal opinion is that most of the world is sovl except for some big cities, generic towns and suburbs, european urban areas (especially scandinavian stuff) etc

by wearing shoes INSIDE your house you're bringing in lots of crap, like dried up spits, piss, shit, and god knows what else coming out of homeless and crazy people anyway, also dogs.
I would never do that.