Fixed Europe

Fixed Europe.

Attached: europe_perfect.png (2988x2187, 537.23K)

Is the ocean divived in countries too ?

>No unified Yugoslavia under a neo-Tito
Shit attempt, 0/10

no idea, i didn't made the template.

I'll allow it.

His name is TITo lmao xD

Why do you hate Serbians and Székelys so much?

>for once Romania isn't destroyed or partition
Thanks, I guess


They failed their only job
Is there anybody who doesn't hate them?

vgh... der anglo-schweiz union.

Those two small regions bordering Estonia in Russia are Estonia clay they annexed from us after WWII. This is an error that needs to be rectified.

Do you really need more Russians? Even Russians from Narva don't like Estonia nowadays and think that Putin is a cool guy. Most of them

Attached: europeperfect.png (2100x1601, 452.73K)


Surveys show that even they don't want to join tiblamaa. Why should they? They've access to all of Europe and two times higher wages than the cucks over the river. Just compare Ivangorod and Narva if you want to see the contrast.

Fish have their owm countries too

fuck off

I assume the green is Greater Ukraine? I'm onboard for that.

Ak yes, the classic freudian Hungarian bulge inside Romania.

Hot take: Wilhelm I should have annexed France and created Franco-German union state in 1871.

Don't even try to understand the Russians. At least the older generation. No matter what is done for them and no matter what conditions are created for them, they will still be dissatisfied. But if someone from their country wins a gold medal at the Olympics or if their military captures someone else's territory, they will be delighted. I was in Narva and talked to the locals and most of them were like that.
Estonia is nice and comfy btw

You got Moldova and Bessarabia, it's a good deal


>Twelve Islands



That's the broken template which has Mur region of Croatia as part of Slovenia by default

I will cut your right arm and give you your left arm back, it's a good deal

I'm glad you understand

Attached: apuglasses.png (655x527, 368.89K)