Do you love Israel?

Do you love Israel?

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The Jews are the chosen people of god and Israel their holy land. The goyim should be grateful for the opportunity to serve the jewish master race. I speak for all Americans when I say any enemy of Israel will face the full wrath of the US military. There are 100 million proud american patriots who would gladly die to defend Israel.


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I wish Jews would peacefully give up their government and live along with the rest of us but alas it looks like it will never happen

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yes, my 2nd homeland.
you kicked them out.

kicked them out of what?

Yes, all "palestinians" should be deported to Jordan

>100 million


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Their homes in the arab world.


Wait, the Sinai peninsula is part of Israel?

No, but i hate it less than rest of middle-east so i support this plan.

yes I do

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we gave it to egypt in exchange for peace
the egyptians still claim to be victorious to this day
based slovak chad

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The Swedish people stands with Israel and the sons of Abraham!

Am Yisrael Chai! Hell seger!

Yes, my gf is israeli and she is super cute

sephardi mizrahi or ashkenzi?

the dogs are being oppressed by israeli women

I’m ambivalent toward Israel.

Are you shephardi?

I would love Israel if they didn't despise the goyim so much

I've always been a simp for israel and will never stop being one

WHITES are the real jews and deserve israel