Germany is banning nuclear energy

Germany is banning nuclear energy.
France is doubling nuclear energy.
What's going on here?

Attached: download.png (251x201, 9.75K)

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Germany and France will never be friends, that's all

German boomers are a bunch of dumb hippies. French boomers are surprisingly based.

The second most expensive building in the world is a Finnish nuclear plant that took 20 years to build. Europeans are too incompetent to do nuclear energy anymore, they built all of their plants in the 70s and 80s and everyone involved retired long ago.

Germans are retarded

Germans are stupid


It's fine, we will just steal the top German nuclear physicists

Germs are retarded, simple as

Attached: grm.jpg (910x622, 43.26K)

France is based and Germans really like to suck Russian pipe

German boomers must be interned in camps and shot.

>Germany is banning nuclear energy.
>France is doubling nuclear energy.
why? do french have more uranium mines?
wouldnt depending on french uranium be better than being dependent on other fuels like coal\gas\petrochemicals?

i think soon we wont have uranium plants with the advances in pulse fusion but its gonna be a while until that tech is mature

On an unrelated note I want to see pajeets leading the way in thorium reactors while the rest of the world soyfaces to windmills while burning a shitload of gas and wood.

What if Germans are just using it as a ploy to get more dependent on Russia and get it to join EU

Attached: 580789.jpg (789x1024, 73.76K)

Uhm, environmentalism bros...

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>do french have more uranium mines?
french has slaves in west africa mining it for them
g*rmany aren't allowed to have slaves because they're murderous monsters and genocidal maniacs so they must suck russian cock

It will be like Chernobyl but instead of decaying soviet technology it will be a Pajeet pooping in the reactor.

nuclear and gas fulfill two different need; even if we had all of our powerplants back, we'd still import gas

They will swarm the reactors and eat all the fuel and drink and bathe all the radioactive water claiming healing powers, making a coffin out of their own bodies to protect the environment.


Hey, but it just started working . .