Why yes I'm a yuropoor, how did you know?

>why yes I'm a yuropoor, how did you know?

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Because you're using reasonable devices instead of using up electricity


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we do that in our backyards because there's plenty of Sun (invictus), but what's the point of hanging them inside? won't that release a lot of humidity?

I mean it's not about electricity/environment, electricity is cheap and stuff
But the point is why would you pay several hundreds of dollars for an electrical device that doesn't really do anything? From an egoistical point of view it's dumb. It's like buying gadgets to open a jar or buying pre-cracked eggs. Waste of money.

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>Americans are so impatient that they need to pay money in order to make the process of drying fucking clothes faster
sucks to be Amerimutt

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Our culture revolves around efficiency. We work all the time so speeding up otherwise normal functions of the day is of great benefit to us.
Fucking kek

There's nothing wrong with using dryers or drying racks

we have a dryer but we also dry clothes the old fashioned way when the weather is good or don't need something dry quickly

>we also dry clothes the old fashioned way when the weather is good or don't need something dry quickly
What are the benefits of doing that way over a dryer? We don't have that opportunity since 99% of apartments here have rules on what you put on your patio and houses are usually $600k+ on average which usually have dryers..

is this supposed to be insulting?

I use these for my shirts that I like to wear and use a dryer for clothes that I need dried quick or my other casual and work clothes
imagine having a shirt that only lasts a few years because you're constantly putting it in the dryer

But it's cheap, works and is fast.

>Our culture revolves around efficiency

Lmao since when do you lardasses do anything efficiently

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We’re lardasses because we’re efficient

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Wtf is that

>It's like buying gadgets to open a jar or buying pre-cracked eggs
Those are for handicapped people like americans

Are Europeans really so poor that they see dryers as a luxury item?
Fucking, omg

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Imagine not having both a drying machine and a hanging thing, one for when you're in a rush and one for when you got time to spare, could not be me

What the fuck is that? Do youropenis really wash their clothes in the river like 14th century serfs?

We efficiently went to the moon
We efficiently rebuilt europe (you’re welcome)
We efficiently topple governments
We efficiently export our culture
We efficiently make much more money than you

this, americans can't afford both