Winter is almost over and still not 1 flake of snow here

>winter is almost over and still not 1 flake of snow here
does this misery happen in your country?
I hate global warming, every year the summer becomes unbearable and the winter disappears even more

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you deserve it
you have no gf anyway why you seething cunt

Last summer was wet and cold, Kees

We had a lot of snow here unironically.

Same here. I liked winter, but now it's just a raining season.

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I worship the Netherlands and I wish Dutch people came here once again and taught us how to make beautiful architecture.

Don't take Deutsche people with you this time pls.

Don't worry it's gonna get worse.

it wont stop snowing here

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global warming is not the problem. you just live very far south

There's snow here for like five mo ths of the year. Ye are whack.

what happens to the bike paths when it snows?

stfu, I have experienced in my life harsh winters every year in the same place where now winter doesn't happen anymore

>the netherlands
>harsh winters

do americans not maintain roads? clear snow?
also you can just bike on snow, it's fine

>let me tell you about your country
are you sure you're not an american?

fuck off, you do not suffer. Your women wear booty shorts for 3/4 of the year now. they literally flaunt their buttholes for everyone to see and you have the nerve to come in here and say you suffer?

Not sidewalks, no. We don't have bike paths either.

>let me tell you about your country

you guys don't have any winter. your entire "winter" is like spring

i don't know that feel. when a snow storm happens we get like 30+ cm of snow most of the time and it usually sticks until it starts to ebb a bit towards summer at the end of spring.

Yes, its been a few years since a proper snow that stayed for at least a few days.
In 2013 we had a huge snow in the middle of March so there's hope

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that wasn't the case 15-20 years ago, dumb zoomer.

it was the same 20 years ago but maybe not a thousand years ago. the average dutch winter temperature is around 4 and many times up to 10. basically a chilly day during summer here

>it was the same 20 years ago
no it wasn't
stop making shit up, brain dead retard

>the netherlands

>norwegian brain dead retarded zoomer
>knowing anything about 20 years ago