Are you missing out much if you don't know Russian in 2022? Would you call it a must-know language?

Are you missing out much if you don't know Russian in 2022? Would you call it a must-know language?

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You're missing out on a lot of LiveLeak videos for sure

This language is being learnt only by coomers

if you want to be a toilet cleaner in germany, polish is a must
you should learn chinse or german

you're confusing germany with the uk, but I undestand russian brain cannot comprehend geography

They have a lot of shit on the internet, so yes. You are missing a lot.

Russian women LOVE having casual sex with brown and black men

>but I undestand russian brain cannot comprehend geography
I don't have a Russian flag retard hahahaha

It’s a more complex and meaningful language than any Western European one for sure. It’s expressiveness cannot be captured by translations, so if you’re into literature it’s a must. Otherwise it’s pretty useless. Only what, 300 million people speak it? Not that much anyway

apologies mr czech

>you're confusing germany with the uk, but I undestand russian brain cannot comprehend geography
Silly polyak just shit his pants

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I'm learning Chinese but I keep thinking about switching to German or Russian. And yes, I love literature. I find interesting that you guys have a pretty active sci-fi scene, even today.

good now clean my toilet and make it shine

after that pay your debt to EU and get back to sucking american dick

not true i have been interested in russia since i was a child

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You kinda need English, Russian and Chinese to enjoy the whole internet, so yeah.

And I started learning it because a lot of Russian comics and sci-fi novels are fucking great.

Chinese internet has no presence, I have searched long and wide. In contrast I've found lots of Japanese everywhere.

>FMO in language learning
Lmao neck yourself

>post deleted

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What is with the russian obsession of puttin things in ass?
Have you seen those Prison videos from russia?
They put so many different objects in ass, is it some cultural thing?

Wait, are Russians aware that their women are hot?

Also there's a huge old meme in soviet/russian prisons that if you fuck a dude in the ass it's not gay because it's only gay to take dick

In Russia жoпa is not just ass, is philosophical and psychological phenomenon. Жoпa is chaotic titanic evil, since if you put everything with jopa it will emerge as twisted, horrible yet somehow farce thing. putting something to ass is ritual attempt to utilize it's enormous destructive power

This guy gets it

not must know but the russian side of the internet is pretty isolated and interesting, maybe because of the low English literacy so it's not influenced as much as other communities by american internet. It's difficult to learn but not nearly as bad or niche as korean/japanese, and infinitely more interesting than spanish/french.
