Slavbros, how did your school teach you about the German invasion of Eastern Europe and Russia?

Slavbros, how did your school teach you about the German invasion of Eastern Europe and Russia?

How does this 80 year old invasion color your thinking today?

Attached: 2FFED560-B13A-4C30-86A0-5A6913D5976F.jpg (1163x5911, 1.15M)

Other urls found in this thread:

1. It was pretty bad.
2. It's not considered a relevant topic today.


Why are we somehow considered Nazis and the French aren't?

>Ebil Hitlereeno invaded us and destroyed our country and modern Germans still don't want to pay us reparations

IT gives context to how retardedly rigid and ideological germs are today and how their elite basically do with them as they please w/ minimal effort. Democracy dies when you go over 30% Germans in a society IMO. They're hardcore NPCs.

>somehow considered Nazis
mf you literally did genocide in Jasenovac

No, I didn't.

I guess its because they french were seen more as being coerced, while you were seen as benefitting.

Noble German warriors pushed the savage Asiatic Slavic hordes out of our lands and armed us. We fought great battles to defend ourselves from these barbarians but we're broken eventually due to overwhelming disadvantage. Our people continued the struggle in the forests of Estonia even once the Germans had fallen.

doesn't prevent you from abolishing democratic principles today tho, apparently.

>what Germany likes is democracy, what Germany doesn't like is not democracy

Neither of you have a democracy. Athenians 2000 years ago know that what you both have is an aberration of oligarchy.

The party that you financed initiated this crisis, but ultimately nothing is happening. This thing mostly exists in the minds of dimwits and writings of ideologues. A manufactured issue revolving around agitating international institutions and uses pretexts like calling Poland a yougn democracy and ergo not suited for norms mirroring Netherlands of Spain. We need to retain a self-electing post-communist guild of judges, that is the only way to save democracy... lel

It is in fact a good example of Germans coming in and trying to topple our government because it's insufficiently ideologically compliant with theirs'. The current admin is the result of democracy. The pretext is about democracy-CONSTRAINING liberal institutions, so even if it was legitimate you'd still be wrong. Meanwhile

the source I cited isn't even German, cope more.

the propaganda campaign itself is German-paid and pushed THOUGH

according to your schizo media and government, I guess

Everyone here is fucking obsessed with ww2. In elementary school we had veterans telling cool stories about the war, I remember there was a sniper who lost half of his hand in a duel with a German

Because the french resisted occupation idiot

> eastern front
ackshually its called great patriotic war

No, according to me and anyone who has any insight into the matter. You scummy state is fanning the flames and encouraging the politicians you bought to keep on shilling for this.

Attached: germans and reactors.jpg (960x689, 77.47K)

Pretty epic, I guess he won. Kinda sad that he lost his hand and now Russia is a bigger shithole than Germany is lmao.


I am, Russia and Russians are ony my mind 12/7

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Germany is a shithole.

Stalin was restoring russian empire borders
german pussy attacked us
german pussy was rekt
usa and uk helped a little
house in stalingrad was standing for longer than whole nation of france
also we went to museums and my favourite piece was a huge crate full of german iron crosses taken off german corpses