Why do you keep moving forward in your country?

for me it's just curiosity. I want to know what I am a capable and what will be my life like despite how much suffering there is for me in future.

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Cause I cant kill myself

I tried to kill myself and failed. And it was essentially a 50-50 situation if I was going to die or not and I did survive. So after that I started living as if God has given me a second chance and I promised myself that I will try living as long as possible, even if I will suffer, even if there will be war, etc. I just completely gave up on the idea of suicide and stopped glorifying death. I still think about death, but it will come anyway, I don't have to hasten it. I can use the time in this life to do whatever I fancy and start living for myself instead of others

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i'm too much of a pussy to kms

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glad to hear it. I hope you'll make it one day.

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Family, I couldn't care less about myself.

>Why do you keep moving forward in your country?
I don't. I even can't to force myself to get a job.

Why the AoT fandom has a lot of unironic neo-nazis? isn't the story suppose to be anti-fascism?

>You genocide me?
>NO! I genocide you!!
How is this antifascist?

>moving forward

>he hasn't read the ending

the ending justifies genocide though?

I'm no longer here.

becuase my mom would be upset if i were to kill myself


because eren is based

More like drifting forward rather than moving

I'm need some money to buy a gun

As far as I'm concerned the most recent episode was the last one and the story ends there. If anything happens after, it's fanfic

Did you finish reading the mange or not?
The type of comments and memes i found on Aot forums and subreddits had the same tune of shit you would find on Any Forums.