
the owl that i just saw edition

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might watch 8mm starring Nicolas Cage

Bit embarrassing to see these headlines and do nothing about it, Nigel

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Found this in a folder will SauceNAO it later

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I'm being serious. Pakis have been raping English girls for 40 years and the most I get out of English flags is a half-hearted sigh. If this happened in Croatia, all Pakistanis would flee the country in a month.

Funny looking fella

For me, it's Atlanteans

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the owl lady

*observes you from my mound*

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I'm of Norman descent so they aren't my people. I trust you have French heritage too?



It's unironically over for Britain

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my company just sold me and thousands of my colleagues to another shittier company
love capitalism me

britain needs a libertarian political party

want to shove my cock right up his lad-fanny

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dubious little creature

need a shower, bit smelly me

>football player beats the absolute shit out of a defenceless animal
>he gets rightly punished
>his teammate cries "B-B-BUT WOT ABOUT MUH RAYCISM?"
>outrage suddenly stops, everyone stops caring about the animal abuse, now talking about waycism again

This country is utterly irredeemably broken. We've destroyed our society to please a minority of the population and a group of mentally ill activists on Twitter.

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The Jews won't stop until they've dragged every powerful white character in media through the mud. Luke Skywalker. LotR. He-Man. Disney stories based on European folklore.. Snow WHITE. Arthurian legend... The Green Knight.They'll be played by brown people or they'll use CGI AI generated technology to mold them to do whatever they want. Yet, the goyim will gobble any trite they serve because NPCs are essentially children and the YEARN for nostalgia, even if those characters are raped in front of their eyes.

Marcus Alonso killed someone

*stares at you mouth agape, starts dribbling*

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are you that weird obsessed aus flag?

Fuck cats, I hope Muslims and blacks torture them all to death

was just saying this down the pub


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My shower's broke and I gotta head out to shop, uurgh. Shops will probably be full since school is finished

cant be permanent surely