The Britishers used gandhi as a convinient pawn to keep indians under their control and submissive. It works

The Britishers used gandhi as a convinient pawn to keep indians under their control and submissive. It works

Gandhi's actions then creates Pakistan. pakistan decades later moves into UK and turns london into rapistan. India strengthens its borders and becomes a strong nation.

What are some next level 4d chess moves like this in history?

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Wait this is not /his/

Pakistanis are just taking revenge for you by breeding one million white English girls

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what actually happened
>bongs become irrelevant and can't hold colonial empire any longer
>indian tards start killing each other despite all being brown subhumans
>china kills everyone mentioned above and rules the earth

bongs are as dumb as one could be

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Did bongs really think Pakistanis would abandon their faith as soon as they stepped foot in Britain?


I love this post and this poster is a fucking chad

You can't even take control of the south "china" sea. So much for Chinese efficiency!

You can't control your own capital city

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ummm bapu.. satyagraha was not supposed to be like this

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>still seething about aukus
Weird how this irrelevant little island still manages to trigger you slant eyed dog feasters.

Seethe while a paki fucks your daughter

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I'm more concerned about you trying to eat my dog.

Muslims hate dogs, the paki will kill it

Sounds like someone is a bit jelly welly, do you need a tummy tickle Mr grumpy

Winny the poo

They quite literally do, I go drinking and play cricket with the younger generation, they’re getting assimilated. Westernised pakis make fun of hyper religious kids and bully them in schools

Richfags aren't the average Pakistani. What about Somalis, are they getting assimilated?

Hyper religious chuds fear the Anglo-Paki friendship

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There’s fuck all Somalis here, sorry ricecel this time friendship wins. You’ll have to take your repressed sexual rage somewhere else!

Oh it was already posted kek

Pakis do not like you and will rape your daughter at the first sign of opportunity.

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You have no idea whats about to happen

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Yeah I do, nothing. They’ll do nothing. All the talk on incels online and you know what will happen? They will work, they will pay tax to the monarch and head of the Church of England, every second they spend living here contributing to our economy and paying taxes ext. It is a reverse jizya, Henry VIII is laughing at the pope from heaven right now and he’s laughing at the fucking Pakis as well

Most pakis do not work, they are on welfare and take your money instead. They are a net drain. They laugh behind your back and put up a friendly front, but they'll never say their true motives to your face.