Blacks and Hispanic bros could learn something from us

As someone who grew up Dalit in India, i read about the struggles of various oppressed peoples in history and one of them that resonated with me was that of African and Hispanic Americans.

But why have Africans and Hispanics allowed whites to dominate the political stage in the US? In India, in 1932, we Dalits and other backward classes took to the streets and forced the government to be constituted in such a manner that 50% of the parliament (senate) must be Dalit/Backward Caste by law. No government should be allowed to form if they do not have at least 1 in 2 numbers belonging to backward classes.

But in US why is there no quota in the parliament? How can Africans and Hispanics let whites occupy 84% of the senate when they're in reality less than 50% of the population?

The next step must be to demand quotas in US Senate both state and union. Demand whites that at least 49% of senators must be non white by law.

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damn an Indian must have mistaken your pregnant mom for a toilet

poo in da loo needful redeem street

nothing of that sort happened but whenever people come to know my surname they either

a) start ignoring me
b) try too hard and overcompensate by saying things like "you know it's 2021 we don't believe in this stuff I'm super progressive person etc"

I feel like I've to conceal my identity to be seen as just a person.

Jews had probably the worse oppression of any peoples in the world and they're incredibly successful and constantly make it back to the top, all this bitching about racism and slavery and shit is just cope for being stupid and lazy

Whats your surname?



Jai Bhim!

Also Blacks could never produce someone like Ambedkar.

Attached: ravan.jpg (279x181, 5.96K)

Sure thing "dalit" Bro
Post caste certificate or gtfo

Chamar-o I will redeem card

Idk it would just be funny.
Just get out of your bumfuck rural shithole, no one really cares about caste faggotry in cities.

Umm based?
Sirs how does you know about our Lord and savior?
Is the bramh*n buck breaking so famous that people around the world know it too sirs?

is Chamar bad? explain

>How can Africans and Hispanics let whites occupy 84% of the senate when they're in reality less than 50% of the population?
Murica is going to be an even worse shithole than India when and if that happens

It's the sort of a less intense N-word

Also there is no surname called 'Chamar' afaik so youre most likely just larping.

chamar = caste of cobblers

it was used as a slur, "You bloody lowly chamar!"

Was I the only one that burst out laughing reading this?

>There is no surname called chamar
Eh, no. In HR there's plenty of people with surname chamar. These days they even proudly wear it, calling themselves "Great Chamars".

I like lower caste Indians, I think they are more soulful. The girl I'm interested in dating is from a lower caste, she's a Gurjar.

have they unbanned pajeets or what's the invasion