Name one single good post made by this country

Name one single good post made by this country

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Argentina.svg.png (1280x800, 57.98K)

all of them. they're the intellectual center of Any Forums

they call brazilians negroes, thats based

There's a hidden grave of Adolf Hitler somewhere in Argentina.

The brownentinian poster is a treasure

das rite
we wan't Priebke remains back too

All my posts are pure shitpost and racebait pointing for the soft-spots of yurocucks and browncels in equal measures

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he's a schizo and is currently losing his mind in another thread

>newfag is arguing unironically against anaïs
Begine newfaggot, begone!

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>Name one single good post made by this country

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Las Malvinas son inglesas, no porque sea verdad sino porque odio a los argentinos

Why are Any Forumsoids utterly obbessed with us?

You’re unfunny and annoying

isn't that the point of posting here?

Why too much attention to Mexico and Argentina?
Mongolia and Bolivia are much better countries that deserve more attention.

kinda based ngl

Seems keyed to me

sorry kid, that's how based posting looks like

prostitutes and coronary artery bypass surgery

argentinians and mexicans are 80% of the midwits in Latam. the other countries are either retarded or genius, including brazil. so, do you really expect them to make good posts?

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>that's a sun, retard

>odio a los argentinos
Los gashes no nos odian, así que deduzco que sos color cartón mojado

"You're not cute" guy

Un bolita fugaz, pidan un deseo

Cuantas copas tenes?

this is literally the only bolivian with access to internet, better save it for posterity.

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Is only one chicano that wannabe mexican banter on argies.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-10 at 19-06-37 int - This is the flag of Armenia - International - 4chan.png (1067x1037, 357.96K)

>turkish cumslut

Armenisisters... we lost

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