Why does Czechia has a car industry, but Greece doesn't?

Why does Czechia has a car industry, but Greece doesn't?

We have the same population yet we don't produce our own cars.

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czechs dont have any, they do it for the germans
skoda has been sold long time ago

Iki for the love of God please stop posting threads. I will genuinely pay you to stop posting. Name your price

Czechia has a tradition of industry, they were the most industrial part of Austria-Hungary

a shy submissive feminine 18 years old fertile healthy pale blonde blue eyed Greek virgin that can cook and wants many children

what do you have to offer?

Cental location and proximity to other important manufacturing centers
Long history of manufacturing
Enough german dna

google unhealthy ESTJ

Škoda is part of the Volkswagen group

I'm thinking iki is off his meds again.

because they're a Germanic country, more intelligent and more good looking.
Go Czechs.

you should immigrate there you albanian rat

I've only been there as a tourist,pretty cool country, and very pretty.
Ikiboon, you should relax, take some meds.

we drive nice cars to drive our beautiful indian brides to the

Attached: Greek_man_Indian_wife_wedding.webm (576x1024, 2.39M)

stay there and take your entire albanian family with you
filthy animals

And Nissan is part of the Renault group what's your point

i hope they die in an accident before they make brown children

albanians can't travel freely inside the EU, ikiboon. Shit on turkey or Albania or a country no one likes, not Le Czech Republic, everyone likes them.

try local greeks

Attached: Greek_girl_in_Germany.webm (576x1024, 2.8M)

there is a community of Greek traitors in Czechia
you will feel like home with them

It's not of my concern Iki, I'm just enjoying sunshine right now.get tinder, chat with some gals, fuck some,enjoy le sunshine

Look at my business-plan
Greek buy spare parts for home equipment (TVs, conditioners, refrigerators) and for cars in China
The following stage is assebly production in Greece
Last stage is trading in East Europe and North Africa.

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>t. seething polak

they are all used and other men have spermed inside them

Every respectable man desires a virgin.


because you never had your car brand, while even a tiny shithole like czechia (your own kin btw) has its own. Know lots of polacks seething over it

Then why do you desire a virgin?

I was just correcting op, take meds

I can give you money

I'm a honorable man.

The Netherlands produces no cars either.

I have literally everything I need except a loyal submissive wife which you can't buy with money.

kek since when you're into mbti dear angelos sirs?

Its czech or czech republiek, btw. Faggot.

That industry is covered by Turkey.

>I'm a honorable man.

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Nigga you have the biggest shipping industry in the world now shut up and be happy with that

mid 2000s

do you have a sister?