What are houses made out of in your country?

What are houses made out of in your country?

Attached: walls.webm (576x1024, 1.15M)

american houses are made of CARDBOARD BOXES HAHAHAHAH

Attached: 673[1].png (600x692, 381.47K)

my ex was like this. I love these kinds of girls

she's scary


Attached: giga gagiu.jpg (643x845, 83.75K)

I can save her.

she needs to be admitted into an institution

we use WOOD like our ancestors before us
not my problem that euros destroyed all their BEAUTIFUL FORESTS

Eurotrash are something else. Imagine complaining about cheap houses

Crazy pussy hit different

ehh she hit the wall but you do you

never had crazy poosey :|


in china they're made not to last.

Attached: chineseInfrastructure.webm (480x586, 2.81M)


Holy shit

Was this in Zhengzhou? Yeah, Chinese gov said it was just 12 deaths. lmao

Damn chinky must live rent free in your head if you jumped quickly to defend whitey like that.

Go back to China, you don't belong in Spain


thank you zhang, was almost convinced for a moment