Any Forumsernational suffering

You may only post in this thread if you suffer in your country

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The usual suspects

tfw no gf check'in in. I SUFFER

You can NOT suffer in Norway

>be poorfsag
>need to wit 30 min for public transportation
I suffer

Bludgeon me to death with a tire iron

Unless you're a tourist

I suffer because I only wake up to sit in front of my monitor and watch useless things on it

I suffer

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i suffer but this is man's life
i need to be strong keep up my prayers
take good care of my body that god gave me

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Annexing this thread for the non-suffering crowd

let me in

hello lads

I have done nothing in my entire life
I can't even relax anymore

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I’ve put weight on and I hate myself

I suffer in India.

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yes. white people constantly remind me that I don't have aryan blood.
that's the only cope keeping me alive.

What the FUCK is the point besides wasting time and resources other people have worked hard to gather

I'm 28 and have no job, no friends, no hopes.

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