

Attached: brown.png (1280x720, 610.21K)

I'm kinda pink

i'm chinese doe


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it's true, I just got back from my mud bath

Exactly, a brown med bvll


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brown proud worldwide

i'm wheat colored as us iranians say, and will age like a vampire, am doing so

you, enjoy being sour milk in a few years, if youre not already

i'm yellow

lol wheat is basically yellow but we refuse to refer to ourselves as yellow out of racism

tho im not racist, east asians are our bros

wait, you guys are extremely racist against us so maybe not

i blame western imperialism

Fuck off ya runt cunt, we should rape asian males and put girl wigs on them.

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Yes i am. Whatcha gonna do about it white boi?

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That is super gay.

fuck off homphobe

west asians and east asians should stick together, but islam gets in the way. west asia was this close to becoming buddhist under mongol rule but the mongol fucktards decided to convert to islam, fuck fuck, fuck your abrahamic religion, fuck christianity, fuck judaism

the future is brown

Im as far from brown as it possibly can be

the future is blacked, and you'll be the first to know as africa triples in population and floods into turkey.


I like it

there will be no black or white people in the future becuse of the race mixing. everyone will be light brown or dark brown.

That's why i said we put girl wigs on them you fucking retardo, and there's literally nothing gay about raping other feminine male for dominance.
The abrahamic ''religions'' can suck my fucking nuts, there's all the same ''God'' eternally waging war against eachother in it's own name for game, the Archons can also suck my nut washed lime nuttees, fucking sacker, and so can the shadow cobal, that reminds me of something, fuck Baal, FUCK MOLOCH! FUCK THEM ALL, BACK TO THE CAVES ROTTEN WICK. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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most people are against race mixing for the same reason they are against adoption

muh kids who look like me