Name 3 inventions or famous scientists from either of these two countries (2.8 billion people...

Name 3 inventions or famous scientists from either of these two countries (2.8 billion people, 35% of the total world population). How have they contributed?

Hint: you can't. They can only mimic what the West creates, but they cannot invent new things.

Attached: India-china-population.jpg (1024x683, 61K)

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Bait post

I hope for a future where India, China and other Asian cunts learn to cooperate and make a functional version of EU. Then we genocide every animal from Pakistan to Usa

>boznia herze-literally who
yeah, opinion automatically disregarded

When Newton said he stood on the shoulders of giants, he meant the great scientists and mathematicians of India. The anglos stole the laws of motion and truth about Gravity(Guruthwakarshanam) from them and then gave it to Newton so he can take credit.

Everything you've "invented", we(India and China) laid the foundations for it.
Get shocked, White man.

His name escapes me but there's that famous chemist from India and the physicist Bose.

Meanwhile, b*lkanoids pretend Nicholas Tesslre is one of them.

A mathematician I knew unironically thought that all mathematics developed in the Mediterranean because at uni they don't teach that it developed independently in the East

based BASEDnia-herzchad bro dabbing on chinks and pajeets with his knowldgeable BWC and undeniable facts

>moveable type

Its Boss-nia and Hertzog-ovina for you, snownigger. To my knowledge your contribution to anything in the world is about the same as ours.

Undeniable that Germanics post-enlightement have been incomparable to others in terms of scientific progress.

But most of whatever was known pre-enlightenment in Europe was known to Chinese and Indians. The Indians were ahead in math while the Chinese were ahead in engineering. About, until the 1400s. Post Newton and Leibnitz the West surpassed both engineering and mathematics.

China invented the compass, paper, gunpowder, and printing; the latter precede like 500 years before Gutenberg's printing press

paper, black powder, chess.

>The Indians were ahead in math while the Chinese
that's menaoids
look up khawarizmi, indians are dindu irrelevants

>>born 780 AD


Attached: dee.jpg (2544x4000, 381.85K)

so what ? doesn't deny the fact that he's more relevant than any poo would be from the day pookistan was created to the day pajeetland get nuked by some based nation
your rajeetness is showing

Khwarizmi himself wrote the whole book about Indian mathematics called "The Book of Hindu Addition and Subtraction". The numeral system as well as the arithmetic Notation were introduced from Indian mathematics to Europe by Khwarizmi.

Wasn't paper invented by Egyptians. Also e cigs were developed in the west but chinks made them popular.

>tensorflow models
>hybrid governance
>supply chain models

there are no simple "we invented PAPER!!" one trick inventions nowadays
invention is in complexity, many belonging to india/china

You do know Khawarizmi's contributions comes from his translation of Indian mathematical works right?
Al-Sidhindi is just Siddhanta.
This goes to some of his other books as well. He certainly innovated upon the Greek and Indian works.

China made and distributed Corona