I've faced racism from Brown people, and no racism from White people. White people have been nice to me

I've faced racism from Brown people, and no racism from White people. White people have been nice to me.

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Ytpipo are too pussy to even be openly racist nowadays. Not implying everyone is but a lot of people pretend not to be racist while they absolutely are and manifest it on the internet.

>the internet
you mean a few incels who still have yet to got to feel the touch of a woman while Tyrone is riding circles around him.

I sometimes say racist things online but I don't think that it bleeds into my real life interactions at all. The topic of race very rarely even enters my mind.

I spanked a Black friend calling him chaporã crioulo, and I'm Brazilian lol

Btw was half brown cariocas that killed Moise in Rio, this week not?

Im 100% sure most people is racist, specially males, whites just pretend they aren't in a pity attempt of self convince them that they're not cucks and over for then, basically a cope mechanism, despite them being bitter to this reality and uncapable of accepting it. When you point it out they start coping about it in a massive circus of mental gymnastics

Where did you seethose wypipo

The congolese one

Go to a whitecel country and then your opinion would change very quickly

most people aren't "racist" but rather xenophobic against foreign cultures, It's only incel Any Forumstards (and Any Forums) who judge people on appearance. This is the same forum obsessed with brown women but at the same time coping about whiteness.

I'm not racist, I work with integration and help non-swedes assimilate here and I wish for a better future for all countries

>Im 100% sure most people is racist
If by "racist" you mean thinking one's race is genetically superior you might be right. However, if by "racist" you mean genuine hatred based on race, I disagree with you, I don't think most people are that kind of racist.

>When you point it out they start coping about it in a massive circus of mental gymnastics:
There you have some experimental proof tho

Sorry for not being in a third world banana nation, I guess.

nice racism white pig enjoy your ban

No no, i mean the first kind, most people doesn't hold very strong feelings against no one, i mean the firat kind + some ickysm

im "racist" because i don't like nafri and mena "culture" and religion and would gladly deport them back in their shitholes but i treat each individual i encounter in my daily life as if i wasn't racist

>White people have been nice to me.
They were only nice because they'd get imprisoned for discrimination laws otherwise.

>If someone goes against my worldview they're using mental gymnastics instead of me simply being wrong
Just because someone else isnt hateful/racist like others doesnt mean they're lying or coping. It just means people are different.

>The topic of race very rarely even enters my mind.
This is true for everyone who does not have severe mental illness

being a racist has become the ultimate sin in western society so huwites are very carefull
the only thing thats worse to be accused of now is pedophilia

Nah, its just copium+virtue signalling white saviour complex.

>guy from africa in uni
>all russians are buddies
>muslims from north caucasus call monkey and nigger

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Then you're not racist. Hating a particular culture and religion is different from hating a race.

>This is true for everyone who does not have severe mental illness
>mental illness
I'm sorry, but these people that do not have this condition don't tend to be found here, thus you should refer to schizophrenia as the "control" subjects and not atypical.

See? You've developed a belief system where your virtuous NOT-RACIST martyr behaviour its some kind of evidence of your superiority as social level in order to transform your torment into something good.

prime example of cope mechanism

i am not a racist but i hate women and i hate wh*tes for enabling them

It's not. You are simply projecting your own hatefulness. It's very common coping mechanism for bad people.

It's what psychos do.
>oh everyone is like me they just deny it

sorry sweetie but racist means not wanting your first world country getting overrun by third world illeterate savage zealots

Never said I'm superior or that hateful people are inferior, I just said people are different. I believe that all people are equal worth and I will work towards that, I totally understand & accept that people who hate on others will disagree with this and thats okay too. There's no supremacy or inferiority here, just different views of the world.

Nah, not really, i have not to cope about a lot because i know myself to the root

However, as i said this is a soft spot for more whites because it is a exposed nerve, their reality is dilapidated under copium and they have to develop cope mehanism on several scales to get along with it, it's fine i guess, you don't have to accept it, i just pointed it out

the race that attacks asian elders is calling someone else a pussy.. oh God.

OP here, I don't mean to imply that ALL Brown people are racist, some of them have been my friends. It's just that the only time someone hated me for my racism, they've been Brown, and the same religion as me(funny how that didn't stop them from being racist). Asians have been mostly nice to me.

unironically they had it coming

Your two personalities have merged into one at this comment svenne?
I don't need you to make excuses, you do neither need to make excuses for me, however, you do.

I think most thirdoids are incompatible with European culture

Hell, European cultures are barely compatible with each other

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