Dude, you don't want to go to university for 4 years just to end up with the purchasing power of a 1940s factory worker...

>Dude, you don't want to go to university for 4 years just to end up with the purchasing power of a 1940s factory worker? Are you lazy or something?

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how many hours have you been making threads for now

I'm not Lachlan, mate.

You ain’t wrong but what is the alternative? Stink situation all around
I like him. Is he the irish ancestry guy

Firm handshake, mate. Look 'em right in the eyes.

take the learn2code pill unironically. I spent 9 months teaching myself to code and now I have a jr developer job making 50k a year. been employed for 2 months and I work with people making 6 figures. visit Any Forums if you're curious.

I know so many absolute dumb cunts who, and I am not exaggerating, could not write a single sentence without multiple spelling errors who are making $100k+ because they dropped out of school at 15 and did a trade or went and worked in the mines.

This whole country is a fucking rort. Fuck this.

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Enjoy your fucked up back at 45 i guess?

Coding is hell on earth if you do it for longer than 2 years. Unfortunately I have no other marketable skills. Cant go back living on the dole because my cats have higher standards now so Im fucked.

sitting on a chair all day is more harmful

Nope. Especially if you exercise

are you kidding, uni years are the best phase of my life

Most people working in the mines are machine operators who sit in air conditioned chairs with cushioned suspension.

Fucking Australian dream, that

You could have done your trade apprenticeship, got some experience in, few years later start up your own small business and rake in six figures.
Instead you fell for the uni meme.
Many such cases.

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I think it's pretty comfy. I get to sit at home in my bathrobe as I work. sure it gets boring but what job doesn't?

>makes a difference in his clients' lives
Elbow deep in shit, and they say jannies don't get paid.

>I spent 9 months teaching myself to code and now I have a jr developer job making 50k a year.
You got a job without a formal degree? How’d you manage that?

programming jobs don't require a degree. you just need to know the skills necessary for the job basically.


>Dude, you are telling no one wants to see the sight of me because I'm a man baby basements dweller that can't take care of himself?

What if you put your penis in my anus

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I got my job on my own. I just sent out a bunch of applications on linkedin when I felt confident enough