Why is Japan an industrial powerhouse but the Greek economy is based on shipping and tourism?

Why is Japan an industrial powerhouse but the Greek economy is based on shipping and tourism?

Japan was backward for almost all of its history. How can such people develop that fast?
We have the hardest working people in Europe, the 6th highest share of STEM graduates, a large fleet to export our products to every corner of the planet, high intelligence and psychopathic evil neighbour countries who try to genocide us.

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>We have the hardest working people in Europe

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Japs are hardworkers. Greeks are lazy. Literally just that

Meds literally aren't made for the modern world. Relaxing and enjoying life is seen as a bad thing.

>and psychopathic evil neighbour countries who try to genocide us.
lol poor germany

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>only 10 million
>no drive
>old population whereas Japan experienced its massive changes when the average age there was way lower
>different work ethic
>just overall a lower IQ than japs
>no US to finance you

Japan kneeled to America.

Greeks have higher IQ

Impressive, now lets see hours ikibey worked per year.

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Missleading, work hours =/= effective work


10 hours studying quantum physics > 100 hours sleeping behind the cash register of a bodega

I don't think so. I like Greeks, but the japs are just superior. Doesn't mean Greeks aren't alright, they jus can't compare to japs

>greeks work this hard to be in debt


Japan is homogenous ethno-state, Greece is an un-unfuckable mutt heap.
source: I live in an un-unfuckable mutt heap.

Superior at what?

Sorry I'm very gay and fucking retarded and didn't understand the fact that OP is greek, god I'm such a retarded faggot Sorry everyone!


1 Japan 106.48 125,584,838

55 Greece 90.77 10,316,637

But Japan is literally the Lapdog submissive bitch of the US (mutt nation), your memes don't make sense user

You are responding to a half turk who larps as a greek. He never worked in his life he is a 30 year old neet

We don't interfere too heavily with their internal affairs anymore so we are only slowly ruining Japan.

Greeks are pure


Genetically superior. More adapated to higher thinking and modern civilization.


go to /balk/ and show him this thread, ask who ikibey is.

America is still superior to the Japan, so your ethnonat meme is wrong muttboy

Japan had two big booms (meiji restoration and post-ww2) in both cases the main cultural reason is that they are extremely greedy and selfish on a very deep level

show them*

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Where did they get the data from

Cyprus and Greece should have the same IQ

>America is still superior to the Japan

you will never be greek ikimaymunlar

>More adapated to higher thinking and modern civilization.
Japan was a giant toilet before whites came

There's a "Show source" option on the website, you should check that out. You ask a question, I give you a honest answer.

yes I am eheh uwu~

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You are maymun you anatolian skatoderma

Not even remotely true, they had their own modern industry during ww2. Literally know nothing about Japan, just drop dead retard.

it really wasn't tho. Whites were going crazy over Japan's SOVL as soon as Japan's ports were forced open:

you are türk just like us stop rejecting your identity you will never be greek you are türk

Richard Lynn is racist I don't take his anti-Greek work serious.

is this true? it's just fucking sad, man.

Yeah, it's like saying that a 5GHz CPU is better or more more hard working than a 3Ghz one.

Japan is dystopia and Greece is Heaven on Earth.

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pigs believe that workers are machines who have constant output, thats why you see workers who spend more hours having lower productivity, since their productivity declines throughout the day.

You cannot win against iki you can only call him maymunlar

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Damn he has chinky turkic eyes. Poor guy for all that other stuff.

Leave my thread you sand ni


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Because corruption mostly. Same reason why Latin America isn't as good as it could be. Despite the stereotypes of them being stupid monkies they actually are capable of building advanced shit but it usually doesn't go anywhere. Mexico developed an indigenous tank before the US or most of Europe did but that industry never took off in Mexico due to narrow minded politicians and corruption and now they squander over drug trafficking and aspire for low tier assembly line jobs that Americans won't do. Corruption kills.

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Still banned from creating threads on Any Forums you turkish subhuman?

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