Americans actually call random strangers "sir" or "ma'am."

Americans actually call random strangers "sir" or "ma'am."
They think this sort of servile grovelling is a good trait to have.

Couldn't be me.

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ok chang

Americans are all about fake politeness. Tip your waiter, thank your bus driver, superficially learn your neighbour. Its all a facade of fakeness

Thank God I'm not a wagie

That's unironically respectful and trad. Peak civilization.

Americans are the last true gentlemen on the planet.
I love my little burgerbros

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What's the difference between being nice to stranger and "pretending" to be nice to stranger

*slaps your shoulder*
*slaps you again*
*pushes you to the ground*

What's the next step? Rape?

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The fact that you think this says a lot more about Scandi culture than it does ours.

Do you need the concept of sincerity explained to you?



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Not him, but if you feel compelled to be nice to a stranger even though you gain nothing and wouldn't lose anything from not being nice (thanking the driver, for instance), there is no difference.

When you see someone saving a child from drowning you go "did you do it out of sincerity tho? or were you just being ironic"

>Not him

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>even though you gain nothing
that's the difference
the Swede is specifically talking about situations where people are polite only because they expect something in return

Australians have become insufferable as fuck
"oh them seppos are so saccharine and polite and faggy not like me who is epic and deserves reddito golderino for my ebin BANTZ"

jesus christ
the scandis get a pass because they are all on the spectrum or something

Scandis are cute and I would die for them

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They betrayed your country

They enriched my country

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Based, when will Germany just get renamed to Bavaria?

I have a better plan

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No, they shill america now


>they shill america now
Everyone should

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VGH, make it happen.

It will happen in our lifetime and the world will be better for it

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I can immediately tell who is an Indian catfish on the internet because they always say "sir" and "dear" and no other English speaking nation has people who type like that online