Are Balkan people White?!?

Tell it to me straight Any Forums, I can take it, am I white?

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I'm not Balkan, but I guess they count as White.


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I've seen this shared on this board before and it made me race conscious ever since

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No. We are not white. We are gorilla.

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You have to go back.

That's a dumb meme, I've never seen a shitskin Bulgarian

what else would you be fren?

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You are bulgarian that is what matters no matter what race obsessed burgers say :)

You're genetically european, therefore white.

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Me top row, second from the left

balkan people are black on the inside

Balkan people aren't even human.

You are tataric turkic

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The Spaniard is wearing a conquistador helmet with the Cross of Portugal and the current Portuguese national colors.

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Bullgarians and Serbs are almost the same.

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From my experience in living for 10 years on the most touristic town in spain, i can say without a doubt, balkan people are the whitest of all euros. They are also the only whites that look good (women), that actually look white and not red. Their blondes are the most attractive (on par with south euro blondes or better) and have very attractive faces unlike north euros that have ugly faces and a stupid look. Even the balkan brunettes are fucking bombs.

That pic is Red hair erasure

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you are east european, the true master race, you live in the heads of yakubians rent free.

i dont know bro every eastern euro i have come across was white as fuck and girls much more attractive than north euros. For the men, they are not specially good looking, i think italians are the most good looking