The french military tortured to death/killed 3 of my family members who were resistants...

The french military tortured to death/killed 3 of my family members who were resistants. One was beaten to death on top of a hill, with a rifle, to retreive information. He didn't say anything. The other two were just moved in front of a wall and shot. The father of one of my great-great uncles claimed to be the one working with the FNL to save his son, so they killed him instead. Have you ever lost a family member because of war?

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No my family lived far in the countryside so they didn’t have problems

My grandfather's brother was killed by Nazis. He was 17 and there's a plaque with his name and the others who were killed in my town

I'm not alg*rian so I don't care

Yeah, one day my grandpa was beating a guy on top of a hill with his rifle then he fell down. Don't know what was up with that.


Sorry to hear it

You didn't lose anyone because in the Vietnam war?


why did algerians raid and pillage france for centuries before france decided to colonise?

No I don't think so

The Germans killed my great grand father and several people in his family.
Luckily his wife and children survived the war.

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My great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather was killed by barbary pirates in the early 1800s. It is still very traumatic for my family and therefore I feel no sympathy for you.

Pirates were animals, my ancestors were literally all peasants/farmers so I couldn't tell you.

You can take pride in the fact that he was a resistant. Sorry to hear it.

Sorry to hear it. Have you lost anyone in more recent wars, like ww2 or vietnam?

they didn't. they mostly stole italians for slaves until the british decided to put an end to it, later france colonised it.

My great-uncle died in Korea during the Chinese offensive. That's about it though.

m*ors don't deserve sympathy, pillaging, killing, and enslaving countless frogoids over generations more than makes up for like 5 years of pillaging killing lmao

I heard they also kidnapped women from the South of France.

Sorry to hear.

I'm not asking for sympathy wew, when you take up the arms you know what's gonna happen, this is literally how the story was told to me.

Great grandpa died in the defense of Moscow in Jan 42, only discovered when and where about 5 years ago.

Surpsingly despite being jews living very close to the border to Belarus and Ukraine most of the family got out but a few died from famines during and after the war. Also my uncle (who married into the family) had an older cousin that killed himself a few years after returning from the Afghan war.

My paternal great grandfather was forced to do transport job for the reds in the winter of 1945, because he has a coach and horses. He got ill and died during the work.

My maternal great grandfather died after the commies took away his property. In the morning they came from the reds that they are going to nationalise his lands and take away his cattle. In the afternoon then he said he doesn't feel so good and he needs to lay down and rest. He never woke up again.

And thats a good thing

Great grandfather died in the Second Battle of Kiev.

Not that I know of, plenty who went to wars, just got lucky I guess, I think I had one great uncle who was traumatized by his time in the Pacific and drank himself to death some years later, if that counts.

My Grandmother’s 17 year old cousin died as part of the Volkssturm during the battle of berlin.

>t. German american

Not that asshole but Vietnam was a tiny war. US has been lucky with deaths since civil war

My grandfather was injured and partially deafened by a soviet shell falling near the entrance of his bunker. The seven other people in his squad died.
My other grandfather was too young to be in the war, but his wife (my grandmother) was a war orphan.

>Also my uncle (who married into the family) had an older cousin that killed himself a few years after returning from the Afghan war
There were soldiers that went to afghanistan and came back to my mom's village when she lived in belarus, they turned into drug addicts. Fathers side idk.

Did they escape directly to Israel? Sorry to hear that

Grim. Sorry to hear that.

Soviet or German? Sorry to hear it

Sorry to hear that. I heard about those stories of american soldiers whom after experiencing Vietnam came back in the US but had developed a drug addiction because they relied on those to cope with the trauma.

Sorry to hear that

How come such a tiny war gained so much importance in culture and media?

Wasn't a thing in 1941, nor was there Jewish migration here i earnest till the 90s.

And none of my relatives or friends of the family were here before 1994 at the earliest, my parents and me being at the latter end in 2000.

Two of my great uncles were captured and taken to a Japanese POW camp. One died there, the other had such severe PTSD that he ended up jumping in front of a train when he came home.

>How come such a tiny war gained so much importance in culture and media?
because hippies and boomers threw a hissy fit about going to war

>Have you ever lost a family member because of war?
My great grandfather and all of his brothers were killed by shitraeli larp invaders in Ramla. My great grandma and grandfather were forced to walk to to Amman, grandfather's little sister died on the way there due to exposure.
I swear on Christ every single shitraeli subhuman rat should be rounded up and skull bashed with a hammer. Kill every single one

>How come such a tiny war gained so much importance in culture and media?
It became a dummy for everyone to project their views on post-WWII American interventionalism, and was an upset because we lost.

Go back to Russia you disgusting larp rat. Or better yet, blow out your brains with a shotgun

My entire town was destroyed in the 17th century and supposedly lost an ancestor to the pike of a Frenchman.
And here I am, a francophone, feeling like a traitor.

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*and I

Thankfully, my family were mostly irrelevant village priests throughout the British Raj and our independence struge was relatively peaceful outside of urban centers