"The Kiss", a 12,000-year-old rock painting at Pedra Furada in Brazil

"The Kiss", a 12,000-year-old rock painting at Pedra Furada in Brazil

Attached: the kiss.jpg (640x428, 119.34K)

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nigga they look like ants

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i think about shit like this a lot. like how someone who lived a hundred+ years ago is gone now and all we have of their existence now is a photo or a letter or something to prove they were alive and human and with the world. in a way all a human being is is memories, and you only truly die when those memories die.

wow what an original thought that wasn't already expressed a gazillion fucking times before, you die when you die you shithead when your heart stops beating and you stop perceiving the world around you you're dead and fucking GONE

holy shit dude... wait wait wait you mean I also die?? WAIT

that's incredibly sweet
we have always been the same people and it shows
love, hate, happiness, sadness, greed, charity, it is all human. always has been.
wonder if some girl painted this for her bf on their anniversary to commemorate the first kiss they shared

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I am trans btw so I think about death a lot


i am a man.

>that's incredibly sweet
we have always been the same people and it shows
love, hate, happiness, sadness, greed, charity, it is all human. always has been.

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>that's incredibly sweet
>we have always been the same people and it shows
>love, hate, happiness, sadness, greed, charity, it is all human. always has been.
>wonder if some girl painted this for her bf on their anniversary to commemorate the first kiss they shared

Attached: big chad.png (972x992, 338.7K)

>you can't even quote properly

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didn't greentext therefore you look like this

>didn't greentext therefore you look like this

Attached: chad big.jpg (592x604, 83.34K)

Yes and that's the beautiful part.Do you read Dostoevsky?

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>12,000 years old

Yeah sure thing, buddy.
And the earth is like 4.5 billion years old, right?

Pay attention, silly, the earth is 5.000 years old, and humans and dinossaurs live together in the past.


Attached: IMG_3585.jpg (600x400, 50.85K)

We wuz cavemen and shiet

But there's two "you"s in the world. There's your self and your consciousness and your existence in the world. I was talking about the latter. Take Cesar, he died like any other person will, But his mark on history is going to be with the world until the end of time. Now take the millions of romans and gauls and German tribesman who passed into oblivion completely anonymously, do people think of them or remember them? No, the only mark they left on the world is with their bodies on the ground. they "existed" for maybe 50 years, but Cesar existed for 2 thousand years because people remembered him, studied him, emulated him and the empire he helped create. that is what existence is in this context, its your deeds and your creations reverberating through the world long after your material form is gone.

death is final regardless of whatever the fuck mark you left on history you philosophy tranny, its not that deep
go talk about something less exact like life or love or something

The pseudo-science cope: IT'S TWO PEOPLE KISSING!!!!!!!!!!!
Reality: a literal shit stain formed in a funny shape.