Be Asian

>be Asian
>only ever had white gf
Did I make it bros?

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fuck off normalfag

How did you meet your gf? How attractive are you?

most asian men living in the West have only had white gfs

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I met 3 of them from school, 1 from work
I work as a site engineer, so my current gf is a very cute tomboy.
I do not suffer

>be tamil brahmin
>have never had a tamil gf, only asians/whasians/north indians
my children will be mutted, at best i can hope for brahmin to make my parents happy
i've given up trying to be more high test to appeal to tamil girls :'(

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>white gf
more like black lover girls

But Kim user, they love me, and I am NOT black

>I work as a site engineer
cna you get me a job?

based. white girls are jusr better and all these roastie memes are completely blind when it comes to how slutty other non white ethnic women really are

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>be whitoid
>only ever had asian gfs
what went wrong bros....

We are brothers, connected by fate.....

Which state are you in user?
The industry is facing an insane shortage of construction engineers in general right now. Keep applying, even to the mid tier firms and you will eventually get a job

How attractove are you?

>site engineer
why didnt you just go straight to project engineer?

Don't have the kpop eboy look thats for sure. Otherwise I would score nothing but Asians.

I look alright, a bit gorilla-y, but alright

The career pipeline is normally this:
Undergrad engineer>Graduate engineer/site engineer> project engineer>project manager>senior project manager>????

Give me a few years and I'll be a project engineer mate

i went from estimator straight into a project engineer role. I've only got a about 5 years of experience. I'm on $115k

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Giga based. Good job

Bring forth the hapa century brothers