They are a ZOG-amerishart far right wing banana state that commited one of the worst genocides of the XX century...

They are a ZOG-amerishart far right wing banana state that commited one of the worst genocides of the XX century. They are also desestabilizing Central America and Mexico thru their american bases.

Theres hundreds of thousands of guatemalans brothers in Chiapas and Yucatan that have escaped that fascist state and are mexican patriots now.

Guatemala should had never separated from its protector brother Mexico

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I'm Salvadoran, you get the indio parts, we get the predominantly mestizo east+coast. Those parts are culturally salvadoran.


Mexico should invade Guatemala, remove the crooked elite and make it a Mayan ethnostate. I would support this because it would make my MIC stock go up if we sold Mexico the means to do it.

There are no indios in the far east and coastal areas.
The mestizo part should separate and join el salvador. Indios can have their ethnostate in the rest of the country.

every single Latin American government needs a Chinese-supported dictator.

t. sinaloan

Mexico is the only country that exalts indigenous people. This has prevented any genocides at the magnitude of central american/south american genocides.

Of course, not all ethnic groups have been protected, yaquis suffered. But overall being an indio in Mexico is far better than in any other latam country.

We might had scunbags such as Fox or Peña but we never had a criminal pyscho like Rios Montt, who killed 200,000+ mayans and never faced the consequences

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> nuh mestizo
> muh castizo.

Fuck off with your americanized racial autism

The term "ladino" is basically synonymous with mestizo and it's a word we actually use.
There's a clear cultural divide between the ladino population of Guatemala, and the mayan speaking indios.

IIrc i remember watching some video about the EZLN conflict in the 90s and they interviewed some MX army officer who said that it could have devolved into Mexico just murdering massive numbers of Maya peoples but him and many of the soldiers thought it would be wrong to do so and "un-Mexican" to kill the original inhabitants. Army got into a few shoot outs but other times army commanders ended up just having dialouges with the Zapatistas who basically said "we're not your enemies, we just want to be left alone" they ended up both adopting a policy of not firing until they were shot at first, and this ended up in effect forcing the Mexican government to enter into church mediated dialouge instead of a full fledged internal war. I thought that was actually pretty cool because a lot of Latinos are quick to minimize Indios. I don't think most armed forces would hesitate to gun down their own countrymen either.

To some extent there has always been clashes in Chiapas between the local government and different communities/ethnic groups, not that long ago some municipalities expelled the local government and demanded to be included in the “Usos y Costumbres” program/law which lets them have their own local government and laws while still being part of the country and having access to all Mexican rights. Given that they didn’t trust local governments they negotiated directly with the federal government which granted them that special status.

EZLN are trannies and not revolutionary anymore.

They sent some literal goblin tranny to spain a few months ago or something to own them or something. I used to think they had cool aesthetics but they really turned out to be some liberal faggpt university student from mexico city's pet project. What fucking benefit is it to the indigenous people of chiapas to send a literal TRANNY to spain in some pathetic attempt at getting them to say sorry or something.

Yeah thats due to indigenism of mexican state.

Its not without its flaws I must admit. And has a lot of flaws and contradixmctions but still. It has prevebted psychopaths from commiting large scale genocides.

There still many amerindian groups living in squalor, but compare Life quality in Chiapas (mexico poorest state) with hondura or guatemala. Its still better in Chiapas.

Other latinx countries see their amerindiabs as subhumans. Just see how the argebtinians massacred their population or how brazilians are mowing down amazonian amerindians.

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some girl I sort of dated was had family from there. They owed a coffee plantation and owned a small coffee import business. I think they were all of Italian descent.


We used to get Mexican sweet breads and carne asada sometimes from a placed called Cuitlahuac market and for a really long time I just thought it was called "Cadillac market" and the Mexican guy who ran it just couldn't pronounce Cadillac correctly.

I actually really love Mexico's embrace of indigenous peoples, just how big is this new wave of indigenismo now? Like how much is it taking over in art, public spaces etc?

I think a lot of times when Latin Americans bitch about the US it's unwarranted but overthrowing Arbenz in Guatemala is probably the most shameful thing the US did in the last century. He was an educated richfag ethnic Swiss-German who had been an army officer who was fascinated with Mayan culture literally had the country set up to be like a Switzerland in central America. This ended up making Guatemalan incomes spike very quickly and forced foreign fruit plantations to start paying taxes and actually paying their employees in line with the new salary laws, which meant that these workers would have been paid almost as well as people in the US or Europe. US fruit companies got mad that they no longer had borderline slave tier workers so had him over thrown. First we tried to say he was a Nazi but that didn't stick so then we said he was a Communist. Guatemala would very likely be like Costa Rica or Chile right now had he not been overthrown and subsequent civil wars followed. Truly infuriating. They might even be better off than those two cunts because they would have had a 30 year head start on development.

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Better to have poor indians who can actually have access to means of bettering their own communities than just massacring all of them and disenfranchising them. Traditionalist hicks with occasionally ignorant views will always be better than perpetually victimized broken people who don't think there is any path but crime. The Mayans in the Yucatan peninsula seem like they do much better.

I remember reading about how we funded that genocidal maniac. But I'm glad nevertheless that the Mayan population is still booming in Guatemala. Reading of the things we've done in Central America and Latam in general really makes me ashamed of being American.

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Lo que debemos hacer
1. Campaña mediática a favor de la unificación.
Argumentar la hermandad por la parte hispana como por la parte indígena maya.
2. Hacer plebiscito por inclusión de Guatemala como estado 33 de la república mexicana.
3.1 Si votar NO, respetar resultado y abandonar la idea
3.2 Si votar SÍ, esperar 10 años, repetir en Honduras.

I'm not ashamed of being American. I just think we should start holding these faggot companies and colluding politicians responsible. I guarantee you greedy crooked fucks are this bad everywhere. We just need to confront our bad actors. I do think Mayan stuff is cool too. I tried learning Maya. University of Texas system actually offers it periodically though they haven't since covid started. It's weird that Mayans have been the ones treated so especially viciously, considering their arguably the most still relevant and coherent indigenous ethnic group Central America and Mexico. But I guess them actually being relevant and standing up makes them a target in that way. Mayan languages are probably the only Amerindian language apart from maybe Navajo that actually have enough speakers with at least some disposable income where you can justify their promulgation from an economic sense. I think Yucatec Maya is actually growing and even non Mayans can learn it in schools starting recently.

would have worked better if the land taken was paid for in cash instead of banana republic bonds. Also if there was a united fruit company exemption the US most likely would not have gotten involved.