You cannot even begin to understand what sexual oppression is until you've been an Asian male in the West...

You cannot even begin to understand what sexual oppression is until you've been an Asian male in the West. We suffer in ways that are completely unfathomable to the non-Asian male. Our experiences here go unparalleled.

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She's into superstitions
Black cats and voodoo dolls
I feel a premonition
That girl's gonna make me fall
She's into new sensations
New kicks in the candlelight
She's got a new addiction
For every day and night
She'll make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain
She'll make you live her crazy life, but she'll take away your pain
Like a bullet to your brain
Come on!
Upside, inside out
She's livin' la vida loca
She'll push and pull you down
Livin' la vida loca
Her lips are devil red
And her skin's the color mocha
She will wear you out
Livin' la vida loca
Come on!
Livin' la vida loca
Come on!
She's livin' la vida loca

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So go back to Asia? If it's that much of a problem

then fucking move why are you there in the first place?

I feel for you bro. But I honestly see way more asian men in relationships then I see white men. Are you ugly or have some undesirable quality. I don't think its because your asian unless your going after non-asian women only.

I was born here.

Can't be worse than indians on the west.
You guys can always larp as a Korean gay pop

>I was born here.
Ok. And?


Sorry fampai, can't relate, I'm a 6'6" handsome married white guy.

You realize asian women in asia are also white worshipping and theres a bigger gender imbalance and those countries are generally just worse to live in

built for bbc

>those countries are generally just worse to live in

can you imagine why?

There is nothing funnier than when brown midget SE Asians group themselves with light-skinned northern East Asians. While ignoring :

1. Every zoomer White westerner girl has posters of BTS and other boybands on their bedroom walls
2. Kdramas & Kmovies are a part of every young girl's watchlist where they drool over East Asian actors
3. The rise of China

Attached: southeast.asians_NItSFScXQ7EylR4d0BWbNA7ZYwt0.jpg (500x341, 117.04K)

average zoomer girl today in 2022

Attached: ateez_59493.jpg (991x654, 146.89K)

stfu u instigating crackkka
tell me

I had sex though
You dont

White girls are writing articles like this

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I'm Korean American and I'm a manwhore. But a lot of my friends are 30 and still virgins.

I'm sure some girls have kpop fever.

REMINDER : Both of these men if they lived in the West would be classified as "ASIANS". Pajeets, sanjays and other south Asians are also classified as "ASIANS"

Today in 2022, White girls drool over the left but not the right (or indians) also.

Attached: duterte-asean-korean-bilateral-meeting-korea-india-november-14-2017-034_cropped.jpg (628x424, 61.44K)

These are actually femcels. They don't have sex. Think of incels, but instead of anime, it's kpop.