It all makes sense now

it all makes sense now

Attached: thedreampairing.jpg (1043x898, 144.18K)

White women are repulsed by black men

whitebois must have the highest trannies per-population out of any ethnicities


Yeah but their men aren't

As fun as it seems, they have the lowest troonrate in murrica

Probably because chicanoids and blacks have absent fathers more often

its actually latinx


I think its asians

Latinx are white though

Despite what the copers say, you're correct.


Bro we both know that is not true

No it's just that the white trannies get the most attention because they're the most attractive


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Latinos are white

Cope Zhang

why are non whites such fags


Statistically it is. Keep trusting shitty Jewish memes above actual numbers.

Is he natty?

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what statistic are you going off of
lmao you linked my stat I was about to post

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Transgenderism has been a part of Asian culture for thousands of years. In the west it has only been accepted broadly within the last 20 years. You're a retard.

Are people still in denial about this? It’s one of the most common IR pairings you can find.

JIDF out in full force today

>le jews

have sex chud

you are literally wrong, black mixing is a meme and the difference between wmbf is because black females are the lowest rated by attractiveness while males dont need to look pretty

Race bait thread still up

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>people actually believe this

Late to the party, Moshe?

Don't dating app statistics show that blacks are the least liked race?

black mixing is statically insignificant

it's not. a lot of white people in america are older and married so they aren't in a position to race mix. but if you look specifically at younger populations you'll see it's significant.

you are the same guy that says the all "Latinas hat white boys" you say the exact same asspull when faced with statistics about that too

>dating apps
That data is 10 years old at this point lol and nobody who fucks uses that type of shit in the first place. You get their number/snap.

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no I'm not. also, what statistics?