Look at this. It's the monstruosity they call "French keyboard"

Look at this. It's the monstruosity they call "French keyboard".

I swear, it's easier to type French with a Spanish keyboard than with this shit. Wtf were they thinking?

Attached: KB_France.svg.png (2560x872, 139.05K)

wtf? why put diacritics on the numbers

>need to press shift in order to enter a number
>autistic keys for accented letters like "é" instead of a " ´ " key to add an accent to any letter
>need to press shift to write a dot
>useless symbols like the sterling pound or the Greek micro

If I used this I would kms

>both a key for è and another key for `
fucking lol

>lots of retarded useless symbols but no umlaut

meanwhile in china:

Attached: r_482953_MiW4G.jpg (539x717, 91.67K)

>implying anything French made would use a German symbol

best keyboard layout

Attached: file.png (1200x630, 419.27K)

Wow, I never knew that the French are the ones using this weirdo AZERTY layout. Learned something new again.

>no ç

why is there a ç on your keyboards? do galicians use it or something like that?

where's the circumflex accent?

It's not used in Spanish. But it can be accessed with option+{ (or alt-gr in PC)

Attached: file.png (1280x427, 65.65K)

>not a single legitimate point, just meaningless shit
Ok epic

>é è à ù
>parenthesis 5 keys apart
>2 (???)
were they drunk?

El necessito per escriure en català, boludo.

>they actually believe this
holy shit lmao

Civilised people use the Greek word "trema"
And it's on the same button as the ^

True. But no, civilized people use "diéresis"


The hell is that thing above the exclamation point?

Don’t know how Frenchbros are gonna explain this one…

No, it's not. This is.

Attached: Bepo-1.1-base.png (800x270, 43.9K)