How do you cope with knowing you'll never be russian?

how do you cope with knowing you'll never be russian?

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I buy Russian guns and gear.

I shag Russian pussy and bussy.

Russians literally killthemselves 24/7 more than Japs and Koreans at the same time, seema grim to be Russkie

actually killing myself right now
also did yesterday
and will tomorrow
putin keeps resurrecting us

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putin isn't real take your meds

then who made him win?
checkmate, pindos

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whos him? another one of your headmates? schizo freak

now, now user. no need to be hostile. have a burger

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By making more than 500 dollars a month

Dam bro, fuking putin, what an asshole

You guys think I'll get to meet a Russian QVEEN on the battlefield if I get drafted into WW3?

you will meet a russian dick in your ass

I thought the UN banned Necropolis

I am coping with being Russian born in even shittier country.

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go home white man

I dont think they give citizenship just because of ethnicity. even if they did I'd rather move to EU.

process of getting a citizenship is simplified for ethnic russians iirc

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It requires knowledge of Russian language and I can barely speak it fluently.

Yet no tibla squatting in even a fractionally better country is using this opportunity

Also get Russian food and snack from the immigrant shop.

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By eating 3 meals a day

>ice princesses in siberia offing themselves
i wish i could save them bros...

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