What is the reason for German supriority in Europe?

They seem to always be ahead of the rest and even made it without having 20 colonies and surplus wealth

How are germans the masterrace of the european continent? Same goes for german americans

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Hard working and orderly culture

They are blessed with uncountable SOVL

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germany is heavily reliant on foreign powers for defence and is too terrified of russia cutting off their gas supplies to stand up for ukraine. true superiority

>They seem to always be ahead of the rest

Why have they never ruled the world then? Seems to me that Germany has lived its entire history in the shadow of more prosperous neighbours. Maybe one day they will get their chance to rule though, it would probably be pretty glorious too.

Largest population and good location in Europe.

Their Germanic, Celtic and Slavic admixture have a synergistic effect on one another allowing them to succeed.

>germany is heavily reliant on foreign powers for defence
They know America, Frogs and Bongs will help them during crisis time, besides they already spend a lot on defense (almost the same as France if I'm not wrong) There's NATO vassals too to help.
>Russian gas
Why would they start tensions/conflict over a little peninsula? No one really cares.

we need bomber harris back

We're ahead of the rest in the sense that it took the entire world teaming up on us twice in order for us to not dominate Europe and even then, we've done a pretty good job being the political leader of and economically colonizing europe

Autumn I guess.

During the days of the hre we were pretty much just the playground for the other great powers, but with industrialization we got a 50% bigger population than France or Britain, big industrial base with some of the better coal and iron deposits to boot, generally pretty high trust society, an orderly and hard working culture, a history of being a martial society, and all that was magnified by prussian organizational and military autism that allowed us to punch far above our weight

>During the days of the hre we were pretty much just the playground for the other great powers,
That's really only true for 30 Years War period and after.

deutschland uber alles

>Why have they never ruled the world then?

Thats the thing, they aren't a Colonialist country for the most part, sure they had some but nothing comparable to Anglos and the Spanish.

I find it so unbelivably interesting how Germans manage to always win even when losing, whats the secret to german sucess? Organization? Model of society? idiosyncrasy? Something related to the lenguage they speak? Whats the secret to be a sucessful nation as Deutschland

Why would we care about Ukraine? Its just another 3rd world shithole full of good-for-nothing subhumans.

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Press G for Germany

Wörk wörk wörk unironically, while you are getting pwned in CoD they have already mastered both Forklift Simulator and Crane Operator simulator.

Germany is the boomer country wtf are you talking about? They still use cash, their internet coverage is shit and they even use fax machines and queue to government offices since pretty much nothing is digitalized there

unprecedented work ethic and obsession with efficiency that can only be matched by the Japanese

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Unironically based.

Attached: Otto von Bismarck, the visionary statesman who unified Germany with his skillful political moves.jpg (531x789, 133.43K)

this thread is a magneto for europoors with inferiority complex towards the kraut