All day all night Europe is on my mind

All day all night Europe is on my mind
Why can't I move there

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Europe is fucking shit Northern america is kino plenty of space with awesome landscapes and its all white except big cities you cant suffer I SUFFER IN FRANCE

You'd probably be a miserable freak here too

it's a shithole here and i agree with please give me a greencard

Lmao I love bongs so much the way you guys use and words things together is always naturally hilarious

Fuck off we are full

French people always have shit opinions. Comment disregarded.
Nah bro, I want to live in a Western European commie bloc with shops 1 minute away. I'll have a comfy bedroom with my PC next to the window and a comfy living room with a balcony.
Agreed, but you french people always have shit opinions so I don't like you


My dad is a Russiaboo
No, not this. Fuck this shit continent

you wouldnt last a day here

If you come here I will kill you. Consider this a warning.

Yes I would. I was in EVROPA for a month in October. So much SOVL.
Why is everyone hostile towards me :(

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stfu etree nigga you wouldnt last a day here as a non-tourist

Because fuck canada.

Come on pussy you won't do shit generations of my grandfathers came to finland and behaved like home there

Mine too. Suck my cock, amerinigger.

Cope you Ameriboo. Everything is better in Europe from the timezones to the shape of the continent the flags the languages the street signs the lifestyle EVERYTHING

i'm not an ameriboo im just a realist

> timezones
nigga it's just the time
> to the shape of the continent

> to the shape of the continent
don't care
>the flags
ugly ass tricolors
> the languages
ik ook ik ook yea nice one dude you're privileged that you live in a country almost everyone speaks proper english
> the street signs
dont care
> the lifestyle EVERYTHING
yeah wageslaving so the state can take away 50% of my salary

How is that an important factor in moving?

>its all white except big cities
so same as France?

In Evrope you can literally travel anywhere for cheap because of how small cunts are. In Canada you can’t go anywhere interesting without paying at least $1000+

I want to move too

learn french in person in quebec then go to france lol don't let your dreams be memes!

then move to the US, better nature, better salaries (compared to europe) and domestic flights are cheap as fuck

>because of how small cunts are
That's not the reason. You can travel across the whole continent for 1/10 the price of NA domestic travel.
The reason is competition in the airline industry as well as lower taxes (no stupid 9/11 fee etc.).

>flight from Newark to Miami

>i'm not an ameriboo im just a realist
No, you are one. Stop lying.
>nigga it's just the time
It's shit here. +1 and +2 timezones are the best because it's the center of the world (We are in a Eurocentric world after all)
>don't care
They all matter to me.
>Wake up
>Europeans are already in the afternoon and all sleeping when it's night time here
Same, let's work together to achieve this goal. There is an obvious conspiracy to not allow us to move to Europe.
I already live in Québec and speak French.