
Bitter edition

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What's your go to?
For me it's Tennent's or Stella. In a club it's a double VBL (vodka blackcurrant lemonade)

wanking is gay. you’re literally pleasuring a man’s penis

Good evening my fellow alcoholics.

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Think you're real hip do you?

my gf has an awful arse and quite frankly it's a deal breaker for me

don't even have a go to. like too many different drinks. i'm a bit fat now so can mix drinks without getting a bad hangover.

Alri lad

Nothing makes the Queen more British than the fact she has been doing the classic bloke in a dress joke for more than a hundred years

you ever slap her arse?

A big 40 oz of malt liquor, olde English or Mickys. If you catch me in the club it's definitely a bottle of bub though

of course, she likes a spanking

>bottle of bub
alri calm down jeff bezos

that's a bitter Pepe by the way, he's tasting something bitter

What are the chances a burd you’re seeing will report you to the cops if you slap her around a bit? Most of them fall into line when you hit them, right? Some even like it yh?

I’m just waiting for her to say something to try and disrespect me so I can seize her by the throat and slap her around

How's the tits tho? Shit, even if those aren't to your liking you should consider self mobilization.

would gaining a little weight help or does not go to her arse area that quickly?

yeah im swedish what of it

Why are they getting out of line? That's the question lad. Think it's because their handler (You) may be a bit of a melt and they're sensing that

Hate swedes

thought you lads in the met were trying to keep a low profile.

Yeah I'm a British colony. What of it, cunt?

Mad how runts here think I'm "schizophrenic" because God speaks to me in my head, tells me not to do things, tells me to not say things or be nice to people
Ever heard of the Holy Spirit?

Sophie Dee grew up in Wales and moved to America at 21, sad she's completely lost her accent, like she's faking being a valley girl.


decent but not big/nice enough to make up for it
think part of the issue is she used to be fat and lost loads of weight so her bodies a bit off

Women are just disrespectful sometimes, like they’re expecting you to redress them properly

Hey friend. I am too. Half, anyway. We should be proud together and celebrate if you ask me. I love my swedish blood

Nobody gives a shit you porn addicted freak, I couldn’t think of anything more fucking pathetic than keeping tabs on random pornstars

Elizabeth is your monarch is she?

Skinny no arse or a saggy one?