This is a 10/10 in England

>this is a 10/10 in England

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he looks like that thing from mib2

He was funny in Portal 2.

hes 6'7

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Based conoisseur

eyes bulging with imagined riches

>valve actually used to make games like that

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portal 2 was soulless trash compared to 1

Absolute pleb take holy shit, Portal 2 has 10 times the soul 1 had.
Also it gave birth to the masterpiece that is Portal Stories : Mel

>Portal 2 has 10 times the soul 1 had
le constantly talking british ball haha
the puzzles were brain dead tier, no open solutions, you can only open portals where they've decided you can open them. no solution seeking, just shoot the only walls that allow portals.
>Portal Stories : Mel

>Absolute pleb take holy shit, Portal 2 has 10 times the soul 1 had.
you're not serious, are you?

Hard disagree. I was at a cynical age when 2 came out and was fully expecting to hate it. After all, Portal 1 was a near perfect game. How could 2 follow that up? More puzzles? But the puzzles and new mechanics were better. The story was interesting. The dialog was funny. It managed to be better than the original Portal. I was ready to hate it, but it was simply an improvement in every way.

he's a redditzoomer
the puzzles of portal 2 were literally brain dead tier
and I explained exactly why.
also way too much fucking dialog that was trying too hard to be quirky

1 just felt like a beta test where valve was playing with some ideas, whereas 2 just feels like a proper video game.

2 was quantity over quality

Did you ever try the multiplayer?

he unironically looks extremely dutch
except if he was dutch he'd be balding much worse

>multiplayer portal
yes and it was boring for the same reason portal 2 puzzles are boring
everything is premade
you just shoot at the few walls that you are allowed to shoot at

the most contrarian opinion i've seen on this site.

thats our weakest but on the other hand thats the average swarthoid continental only more pale

none of this post makes sense
take your meds

I played both, I don’t remember 1 being harder than 2 but I do remember it having that flying energy ball mechanic that wasn’t in two.
If you’re talking difficulty then P2 adds the steam workshop and coop which gives you the opportunity to play player made maps which are FAR harder and more challenging than anything Valve came up with.
If you’re talking about soul, Portal 2 has old aperture and overgrown aperture which are pure soul. It also has Cave Johnson and Glados is deeper.

Portal Stories : Mel is a free mod on Steam (granted you own P2), I think it’s great but if you didn’t like Portal 2 I’m not sure you’d like it. It’s also far more challenging than P1 and P2, and the environnements are pure soul.

That's Portal alright. We'll just have to agree to disagree. Out of curiosity, any particular reason you consider Portal 1 to have more soul over 2? Was it the novelty?

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why do you not address the fact that P2 puzzle solutions are all premade and spelled out?
you just look at which wall allows a portal and shoot on it
in Portal 1 you could open portals on many walls, so you had to search for the solution yourself.
read the above^

he looks like the average continental swarthropeian only more pale

ok retard

hes a 11/5 in continental swarthrope only his lips arent big enough or rubbery enough and hes too pale

Because a) that’s simply not true, as I said I don’t remember p1 being more challenging at all
b) we were originally talking soul so difficulty isn’t even the subject
c) P2 has player made maps which in terms of challenge and reflexion compeltely trump p1 (and p2 soloplayer ofc)

>b) we were originally talking soul so difficulty isn’t even the subject
the soul of a puzzle game comes from you having the idea that you are the one coming up with the solution
I'm not saying P2 is easier
I'm saying the solution is premade since the walls you can open portals are on extremely limited, so you just shoot the walls that allow you to open portals on
it's pathetic.

No offense bro. I mean this sincerely, but are you the legendary Moroccan schizo? I'm a big fan if you are.

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are you legit mentally unwell? wtf is this random nonsense you bring up?

No, it's just I've seen people mention a "Moroccan with a Dutch flag who's a schizo" and I thought it was cool. My mom's Moroccan you see. The fact that one of my fellow countrymen got a "rep" here just seemed cool to me. I didn't mean offense. I may be way off.

> the soul of a puzzle game comes from you having the idea that you are the one coming up with the solution
That’s not what soul is about at all

> the walls you can open portals are on extremely limited
Not at all

> I'm not saying P2 is easier
You’re literally saying that the solution is handed over to you and that the puzzles are braindead. You ARE saying that it is easier, and you are wrong.
The only thing that makes sense in all you’ve said so far is that you think Wheatley is annoying which is subjective but ok sure. The rest is bullshit and I’m starting to suspect you haven’t even played the game and are parroting some retard

take your meds.

>Not at all
if you're just randomly going to deny facts, then what is the point of this discussion

Also I would call you a schizo for repeating the same points over and over but since and are in the thread, I think you’re among the sane ones