What is your life goal, user?

What is your life goal, user?
She, like the majority of young Russians, wants to leave Russia.

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My life goal is also to move away from Russia

I have no goals

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>life goals

I want to become a God Emperor.

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I wanna leave Russia too, but I just worker with out grade.

i want her to move towards my bbc

Start a family, live a happy life.

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simple things for a man like me

It’s pretty much my fantasy to become a Rothschild clan head type person and live for 10,000 years ruling the galaxy. Too bad my people are subhuman and low IQ.

I'd like for Russians to move in the opposite cardinal direction from us

I don't know anymore.

The only reason for me to leave this place is to start a successfull scam campaign on the west to leech money from dumb people by selling them air.


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I will welcome the russian immigrants

I would never leave Russia

Why do passports have the aboriginal flag on them?

>She, like the majority of young Russians, wants to leave Russia.
Lol, yes, in russia it is a common activity and often the main goal, because of our policy and brain-washed future construction, laws, censorship, economics, technologies, etc.


i want to live off drawing perverted shit, move away from the annoying as fuck neighberhood i cunrrently live in to a quiet place and live a comfy pacific live.
that pretty much it, dont care about ife or kids

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